freedomforwhales: Navy to deafen 15,900 whales and dolphins and kill 1,800 more According to U.S. Na
freedomforwhales: Navy to deafen 15,900 whales and dolphins and kill 1,800 more According to U.S. Navy estimates, the use of high frequency underwater sound for testing in Hawaii, the California and Atlantic Coasts, and the Gulf of Mexico will deafen more than 15,900 whales and dolphins and kill 1,800 more over the next 5 years. Whales and dolphins depend on sound to navigate and live. Your signature and comment could stop this Naval program, potentially saving the lives of these ocean creatures. Please stand up for these voiceless creatures! Sign this petition US Navy Contact Page Please sign! This is absolutely horrible. I’m ashamed of my country for hurting and killing these wonderful animals. -- source link
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