Mårten Lange shares his natural images in his cloth-bound book “Another Language”
Mårten Lange shares his natural images in his cloth-bound book “Another Language” . The Swedish-born photographer captures isolated -and almost magical-moments and creatures of the natural world, with recurring shapes, patterns and textures –many of them are circular, reminding me somehow of Rinko Kawauchi’s work- and forms and the beautiful simplicity present everywhere in the environment around us. Collecting images of the land, nature and animals throughout two years, Lange buits a strong and balanced language In his own words “People often think that nature is something that exists separately from human society. It’s a virtual space, seen on TV and admired from a distance. But people are interacting with nature every day. It’s just a matter of paying attention.” Published by Mack, in “Another Language” every photograph elucidates a sense of simplicity and uncommon lightning creating a whole enigmatic dialogue. -- source link
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