veronicabunchwrites:100 meet ugly writing prompts for your ugly writing needs! Because people aren&r
veronicabunchwrites:100 meet ugly writing prompts for your ugly writing needs! Because people aren’t perfect. People make mistakes. Sometimes they react first and think later. Sometimes circumstances are less than ideal, but good things come from it anyway. 01. we were set up on a blind date but it went horribly, so now you message me every time you have a good date because you think your tips will help me in the future, you ass02. I bought a house three months ago but I’m finally moving in and discover you’ve been squatting because you’re homeless03. you’re drunk in the department store I manage and you keep yelling at other customers so please come into my office while I call the cops04. I organize a petition to get you, the ceo, to live off of my wage for three months and since it’s getting media attention, your PR manager suggests you accept the challenge and you keep coming into my department to ask me how to do things05. I’m a pro-athlete at a press conference and I make a comment to my buddy about you because I forgot my mic was on06. in a moment of stupidity, I keyed what I thought was my ex’s car only to be surprised when you come screaming towards me07. I’m assigned to write a piece rounding up all the bad press that you, a famous celebrity, have been getting and you show up in my office and demand me to write a retraction and get the ‘real’ story08. I wrote my crush a note except I started it with ‘dear you’ and my friend stuck it into the wrong locker and now you think I have a crush on you 09. we’re strangers who meet at a bar, get drunk, and wake up to announcements of our new engagement all over our social media - what did we do???10. you’ve been breaking into my car to sleep at night and I’ve let it slide because it’s been cold out but I have a date and I need you to find somewhere else (fine, go in my house/garage, I don’t care, you’re not messing this date up for me)11. my old dealer is moving to be with his boyfriend, so he hooks me up with you and you refuse to sell to me because I cut in front of you in line one time YEARS ago and I’m not even sure that it was me. this is ridiculous12. I’m working at the cash and when I ask you how your day is going, you tell me that it’s the anniversary of [something horrible] and I don’t know what to do with that information so I accidentally blurt “well hope it’s a good one!” when saying goodbye 13. we make contact before trying to steal the last seat on the subway/bus/train and I end up in your lap and fuck you, I’m going to stay here because I’ve had a really long day and this seat was mine14. you caught me doing something a few weeks ago but didn’t report me and now you’re trying to blackmail me into secretly tutoring you even though you and your friends have always been assholes, no I don’t ‘owe’ you15. I step out of the bathroom and right into the middle of a bar fight and you punch me accidentally so I punch back on instinct 85 more meet ugly prompts under the cut Keep reading -- source link
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