My name is Anna Adams and I have always had special gifts. As a child, I was afraid of the many ting
My name is Anna Adams and I have always had special gifts. As a child, I was afraid of the many tings I experienced, but over a lifetime of study to truly understand the world of the unknown and how I interact with it, I no longer feel fear but exhilaration during paranormal events.I come from a long line of women who instinctively knew about the psychic abilities our family passes down, and was raised with ideas like shining your inner light to scare monsters away and braiding love into hair. Despite this, there was never any talk of witchcraft, psychic abilities, or the 6 Clair senses. Luckily, I am very curious, and did that research on my own to discover what gifts I had been birthed with and how to use them. I experience 4 of the 6 Clair senses (5 if you count the ability to acutely smell Carbon Monoxide, which is supposed to be impossible… But it isn’t, carbon monoxide smells like sweet gasoline mixed with rusty pennies to me, very pungent. Can anyone else smell CO? Tell me in the comments!)Clairvoyance - Clear Seeing - I am a very visual person. Songs create vivid images of scenes and people in my mind that are specific to the song. I frequently see shadow people, animals, and figures in my peripheral eye. I can also see the progression of eldest possible age on a person’s face which allows me to know how old a person can live if they live their best life. It also clues me into when someone is nearing their time. I can also see a glow around something that is important to me, like scanning a shelf of books to find the book with an answer I need in it, or a person who has something to teach me. Clairaudience - Clear Hearing - I am also a very auditory person. I love music and through music I can hear messages, much like the glowing of important things, important lyrics will vibrate in my mind. I can also ‘hear’ in my mind’s ear responses to questions when in the presence of a Spirit. It is easier for me to hear inhuman spirits than human ancestors, but it isn;t impossible. Ancestors require more focus and meditation than inhuman spirits.Clairsentience - Clear Feeling - People can’t hide their feelings from me when in my presence. I can feel it like a tangible force in the air. I can also feel if someone has committed any terrible acts or would be a threat to me. Taboo acts that would not pertain to me feel way different than dangerous people do, and truly good people shine and sing like a pulsing beacon. I can also tell what an animal is needing since they communicate with the language of emotion. Claircognizance - Clear Knowing - I have always had an uncanny ability to know things I shouldn’t be able to know, either through dreams, visions, or simple gut feelings. These can be events happening at the same time of the vision, or years before the event happens. I have known about deaths (and have even been able to prevent a few because of it), births, elections, infidelity, crimes, and many other happenings where I found my visions to be extremely useful. All stories from my perspective posted on this page are true. As for the recounted tales from my family and friends, all I can offer is the promise that I have retold them in as exact details as I can (can’t promise they didn’t lie to me though, and some stories have been retold through the years amongst the family, so the universal telephone game must be taken into account. But these are as I was told them.) While I *am* working on a piece of fiction based off these stories, these tales will not be in prose, but rather will just be typed up in my free time under no real format, for fun. That being said, Please do not spread my stories without proper credit being made since these will be used in a future novel and are copyrighted to me. Other than my paranormal hobby, I also write novels, paint paintings, and am a Game Master for my own table top gaming system made by my husband and me. I live with my husband, brother, step-brother, and my two cats in a lovely little apartment that is not haunted by anything other than the various haunted items I have in my collection. (Yeah, I have an ever-growing collection of haunted items that I inherited from other people too afraid to own them, bucket list check!) I look forward to reaching out and getting to know you guys in the tumblr paranormal community. I will try to post regularly but to be honest I am the WORST at it so don’t expect miracles lol. Also don’t expect flawless prose or spelling, I am doing this for fun. I’m a writer, not an editor. You’ve been warned. Anyway, welcome to the page. Feel free to share any of your experiences you may have had in your life in comments, and shoot me a message if you feel inclined to do so, I don’t bite. I don’t tolerate any rude or argumentative nonsense, if you don’t believe that is fine but I don’t have time to argue. I will simply block you and move on. -- source link
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