broncoburro: D’Angelo and Quincy are the sons of Archduke Barghur; the Barghur family being on
broncoburro: D’Angelo and Quincy are the sons of Archduke Barghur; the Barghur family being one of the three royal families of Vestur. (The main takeaway is that these are some very important guys.)D’Angelo is older, gregarious, and seems to be endlessly full of smiles and bawdy jokes. The late fictional Georgian-era military equivalent of a frat bro, he drinks hard and fights harder and can’t seem to stay out of everyone’s personal bubble. While he may seem a bit like an irresponsible mess in his daily life, he hides within his tiny pea brain a prodigal talent for military strategy. Many who meet him at a pub don’t know his station until the day they are standing in line and out walks this partially hungover brick - announcing himself as the commanding officer.Quincy? Well he’s the opposite. He is so quiet he may as well not exist, and has few talents of note besides a sharp eye for shooting and profound social awkwardness. Not many talk to or regard him with D’Angelo standing so dramatically in the spotlight, which is completely fine with Quincy. D’Angelo can have all the drama he wants. -- source link
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