Tune in tonight to watch a brotha get into a bit of a “scuffle” with Stella Kidd
Tune in tonight to watch a brotha get into a bit of a “scuffle” with Stella Kidd (@msmayoalldayo) at a bar on Chicago Fire at 8pm on NBC! Thank you Stewart Talent and Simon Casting! #Searsly #RaffealsNextChapter #ChicagoFire #mirandaraemayo #RaffealASears #Chicago #UofI #HustlingIsPayingOff #IHopeIDidWell #IHopeTVDoesntAdd10Pounds #LieToMe #TheHustleContinues #DreamDoing #WithoutStruggleThereIsNoProgress #FredrickDouglass #ButGod #StewartTalent #ClaireSimonCasting #BookABrotha #LookMommaImOnTV #LookMemawImOnTV #Bittersweet #KeepGoing #Repost @clairesimoncasting • • • • • Heat up your Wednesday night with an all new episode of Chicago Fire! . . . Shout out to: Randy Flagler Daniel Kyri Nicole Velasco Lockard Anthony Ferraris Nancy Jane Nelson Casey Tutton Kevin Ging Carlos Olmedo Raffeal A. Sears Greg Violand Scott Danielson #ChicagoFire #NBC #ChicagoActors #SimonCasting #OneChicago https://www.instagram.com/p/BqLm_4OBzZoir6N1qTf-L6cJq8ALCLbYoJnnq80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=31j4e1ahhjum -- source link
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