Horoscopes, Week of 5.17.21Aries: Right now you are determining which contacts hold up their end of
Horoscopes, Week of 5.17.21Aries: Right now you are determining which contacts hold up their end of the bargain and which ones simply serve as an energy leak. Notice both the warm and practical benefits you are receiving from your friends and community members and feel into how you can bring more of this structured benefit into your life; this will probably mean letting some dreams or connections go. Later on in the week, you may feel a tension between these local connections and obligations and your need to retreat and digest the information coming your way. This is a wise impulse. So much new information is coming your way that you need the space to process and figure out what new opportunities are actually right for you. Hold off on making a decision as of yet; not all of the information is clear yet and the great mystery wants you to dance in its depths a bit longer. See what silence cultivates. Poem of the Week: “Dear One Absent This Long While,” Lisa OlsteinIn May we dreamed of wreaths burning on bonfiresover which young men and women leapt.June efforts quietly.I’ve planted vegetables along each garden wallso even if spring continues to disappointwe can say at least the lettuce loved the rain.Taurus: The role you want to play in the world has a lot to teach you about resources. What types of things, energies, people do you need around to enact your dreams? Use the goal as the guidepost and a way to commit to cultivating certain values. Be generous, in turn, with what you do have and see your pleasure multiply. You may be feeling the difference between what you have and what you want. Feel into the gap and find a way for it to be motivating rather than discouraging; your dreams are real for as long as you give life to them. Just try it’s more about following the feeling this weekend than knowing your exact next move. Let what feels right guide the rest. Poem of the Week: “Islandia,” Maria Negroni I may not know how to seduce but I will dazzle. (Nothing will distract me from pain.) You have to wait. Have to wait for me to renounce (brilliant) rigidity, for me to submit, hidden from my own eyes, to the shadow of desire. Half-way would be enough. The only imperative is that you go on waiting (…)Gemini: If you are feeling lost at all this week, dear Gemini, you just have to find your compass again. You structure comes from being in touch with the wisdom or beliefs that guide your life, whether they be philosophical, magical or divine. Commit yourself to a current devotion or practice around expanding your felt sense of knowledge and see how it enhances your ability to draw the right things towards you. This will be especially useful as your immediate energy must contend with the bigger, more mysterious visions for you are coming to the surface. While being exact and impeccable with your everyday decision-making is recommended, give your public role a bit more breathing room to figure itself out. Notice what intuitive messages come forward around the right path or vocation. See yourself as a channel for all sorts of information, but take what you receive with a grain of salt. It can and will all change soon. Poem of the Week: “Postlude,” Rita DoveAs usual, you’re not listening: time stopsonly if you stop long enough to hear itpassing. This is my business: I’ve got ten weeks left to croon through.What you hear is a lifetime of song.Cancer: This week asks that you find your information from the deep. Mysterious signs, old wounds and deep energetic exchanges all mark this week for you and demonstrate a deep power to be found in the spaces between knowing. To cultivate these gifts from the depths, I suggest you enact boundaries around relationships that tend to drain your energy; you need all you can get to draw the sweetness from the inside. This process will also lead into your restructuring of your belief system— a larger theme for you this season. What new fields of study or spiritual practices are calling you to become more of what you are? How can figuring this out be like listening? Just beware of diving too quickly into your journey; take time to reflect what is really for you and what is true. Poem of the Week: “Near the End of April,” William Stanley Braithwaite Near the end of April Twenty Mays have met,And half a word and half a dream Remember and forget.Leo: The more singular someone’s role is in your life, the more difficult it is to detach from unhealthy dynamics with them. Do you have people besides your primary partner with whom you share intimacy and support? Do you expect some imagined partner to be the authority of value in your life? Cultivating beautiful ties with all sorts of friends and acquaintances can be a healing balm for any restrictions you may be feeling in your committed relationship, so lean on them to help you remember what a truly equal exchange feels like and what it should bring you. Also look to your networks to help you come back to yourself when things get more confusing later on in the week. A strong support system can offer comfort and clarity. It can help you receive support from others in a way that is clean and generous. What autonomy are you willing to give up to be part of something larger? This doesn’t have to mean self-effacement, but only if nothing is rushed into. You have time. Poem of the Week: “Ghost,” Cynthia HuntingtonAll that you saw and heard and could not findthe center of, those days growing into years,growing inside of you, out of reach, now with youforever, in your house, in your garden, in corridorsof dream where I finally tell you my name.Virgo: In order to let your gifts shine, you must decide what work is worth your effort. Unnecessary toil or work that does not bring satisfaction may be difficult to ignore right now, so I suggest paring down your current obligations where possible. Be sure to include rest, care and recuperation under your definition of labor. You must have enough space to hear the messages coming your way regarding your vocation or social role. Use the abundance you receive from your close relationships to bolster your confidence and sense of possibility. You don’t have to do all the work or know all the answers. Be around those who encourage you to let the universe come to meet you too. Poem of the Week: “Love Song,” Denise LevertovThe grapesthat need frost to ripen themare amber and grow deep in thehedge, half-concealed,the way your beauty grows in long tendrilshalf in darkness.Libra: Be judicious with your pleasures this week. Notice which ones bolster your sense of connection with the world and which ones distract you from your truths. You are prone to receiving important messages this week, particularly from intuitive, numinous sources, so be sure to put in the work you need to be open to such sources. This can be ritual or devotion or simply sitting in the same spot every day. Whatever helps you be receptive to what you can’t see. Your efforts allow you to expand, especially if you don’t push too hard to know the results just yet. Simply keep track of the options available to you, of the wisdom around you, and let the work you do follow its own rhythm. Poem of the Day: “Memory is Blood Soluble,” Brian SneedenI can’t remember which chord heals visions or causes them. Which summons a cloud of bees from the stone, or conceals your shape behind a flame. It is every guitar I have found in the gutter. Every name on the edge of being gone.Scorpio: Your understanding of your inner depths is unparalleled right now. By getting in touch with your more hidden, potentially wounded sense of self, you have the ability to befriend the dark and receive its rich gifts. One of them will be a better understanding of what you need to feel safe. Spend time enacting boundaries around your private life and committing to deep rest or homemaking. Expect these deep messages to provide fertile ground for creativity and more honest sense of pleasure. Let your art be a site of vulnerability. Let it be diffuse and hard to pin down. Let it be what you need, even if you don’t quite know what that is yet. All will be revealed in time. Poem of the Week: “Death of a Friend,” ScorpioThere is so much we’ve begun to pile upon you, morethan all the lives we’ve had and have lost. Nothing whatever burns to ash. Years pass. Days, wisdom, the simple sadness.A slow-moving ray of sunlight walks me backward to a past turned magical by the virtue of its emptiness, this part of myself that never fails to embrace us.Sagittarius: You are on a larger journey of structuring your day-to-day life with as much skillfulness and ingenuity as possible. Today, you get a help from your committed relationships. New ideas and insights arise from these intimate connections and help you figure out what structures and habits feel most pleasurable to you. Your relationships also serve to shine light on what you need to change in your familial or home dynamics. When does surrender turn into escapism? How can you build a foundation on what is constantly changing without sacrificing clarity or stability? Trust that things may be more in flux in your private life and that your loved ones are always there to help sort it out in time. Poem of the Week: “House Empty Speaks a Loud Truth,” Iris Jamahl Dunkle8. You could hear the red-breasted robins singing from the second floor.9. The silver painted wallpaper came off on my fingertips.10. What they thought was a guest room was actually her office.11. When the state cataloged the house, everyone forgot she was a writer.12. It never burned.13. Bays and oaks move closer to the house. (Hear their leaves whisper?)14. Though they’ll cover the fountain in the sun-filled dining room, its waters will keep broadcasting to future visitors.Capricorn: Being disciplined with your finances does not only mean compulsive saving. Knowing how to use our resources can be just as vital as how much we actually have. You may find yourself having to be more strict with your spending lately but don’t let that distract you from pursuing the work that feels best Enjoyment and stimulations are resources as well. You are being asked to consider not only your work routines but all the ways you spend your days. What new skills or practices are calling to you? How can you find refuge, peace, compassion, in the mundane parts of your life without sacrificing the detail-oriented work you must do? All you need is right here; yet there are things to do. Poem of the Week: “Venetian Siesta”, Joseph MillarHe speaks of the world,how it’s changed by artand bread you can’t eatpowdered with lightwhere someone is toastingtheir mother’s healthand someone is writing a letter to deathwhich makes things beautifulin its wayand also makes everyone the sameas laughter doesor the late autumn rain.Aquarius: You get to decide how you spend your time, or where you point your attention. Consider how you can recommit to yourself this week in the midst of potential distractions or overextensions. Try to prioritize your pleasure in this refinement process. See what new inspirations or creative impulses arise during this clearing. The one thing to be watchful over is your resources; you may be getting a sudden influx or you may be acting like you’ve had one. Be mindful of what you have been spending lately but also check in with your other resources. Are your emotions strong? Your courage? Your pleasure? Spend all you have available on saying and being exactly who you are. See where it takes you. Poem of the Week: “How to Get to Fairyland,” Yone NoguchiLo, such greenness, such velvety greenness, such a heaven without heaven above!Lo, again, such grayness, such velvety grayness, such an earth without earth below!My soul sails through the waveless mirror-seas.Pisces: You don’t have to travel far to not feel alone. Think of all the ancestors who brought you here, who are with you still. Be open to any messages from your past or lineage that may be arising, especially in moments of confusion or isolation. Over time, this week will show you how much power you have to bring abundance to both yourself and others. You just have to sink into the connection and possibility that is already there. This freedom may feel like its grinding against the inner comfort of mental clarity and detail-oriented planning. You can have both, as long as your focus your mind on your foundation and let the fertile openness dictate how you interact with the world.Poem of the Week: “Nothing to Declare,” Robin K. AlleyneYou know the waitinguntended in you will surge toward her,and you know something else will sink, sulk itself into a familiar, necessary sleep.You know yourself now only as the ocean knows this island—always pulling away, always, always, returning.**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing chloe.margherita@gmail.com to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along here and here. ** -- source link
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