siblings-with-benefits: The rest of the car trip was agony. Amanda was devilish, and was playing a
siblings-with-benefits: The rest of the car trip was agony. Amanda was devilish, and was playing a game she loved to play when we were kids called “Prod the Bear”. It was simple: see how long you could annoy or pester someone over something they’re stressed over, and do your best to avoid any repurcussions. It was especially fun playing against our Dad, who was our favorite victim. He worked as a foreman for a large construction company, and crunched numbers over budgets and supplies daily. Amanda’s favorite hobby was to convince Dad to help her with her math homework, but would drop lines to him like:“No, I got that one! I’m so good at math!”or“You weren’t even close to the right answer here, do you know how to do this kind of math?”It was all fun and games. Dad usually eventually got frustrated and would give us a comedic meltdown tantrum. We played this game often, and we were good at it. The only difference today was, that although we were crammed into the back seat of Dad’s SUV again, I happened to be the bear that Amanda was poking.I shifted again in my seat. We were almost at our destination. I glanced over at Amanda, who still had a giant grin plsatered to her face. God, I thought. She is going to poke the bear again.See, Amanda and I…. fucked, last night. It was an accident. I think? We were influenced by some kind of drug… or something. Some weird voodoo shop had a strange vial of liquid that broke on us both, and we went wild with lust. It was bizarre… but without a doubt the hottest sex I’ve ever had. Amanda was an absoulte fox in bed, just how I imagined she would be. I was looking forward to talking with Amanda as soon as we were alone, but that wasn’t going to happen for at least a few days. We were almost arrived at the Family Reunion, and we would be completely surrounded by relatives. I just wanted to clear the air. But, Amanda, with her full intentions, was doing her absolute best to tease me sexually in that back seat.Amanda would not stop talking to our mother in the front seat. She was asking her about boys, and was having a pretty graphic conversation. Amanda said something to her like “I want a boyfriend, Mom. Do you think that a boyfriend would like my breasts? Even though theyre as big as they are?” Amanda leaned forward, her d-cup breasts absolutely spilling out the front of her tank top, and gave me a big wink. Mom would reply “Of course dear, you’re beautiful… any guy would love to have you…”It didn’t matter. Amanda was just asking Mom, her true objective was to tease me into insanity. We only had a few short hours to go, but crammed into the car with the luggage meant there was no escaping her sexual wrath. I was her absolute victim, and she was playing me like a cat with a mouse.“What do you think?” Amanda now whispered to me, her small hands still cupping the sweet flesh of her tits. “Do you think guys will be happy with this?” I turned absolutely beet red. Amanda knew this was torture for me. She knew that I was in absolute turmoil over the ravenous fuck fest we had last night. I do admit though, her non-chalant, sexual comments being out in the open did lessen the tension I was feeling. She is absolutely hilarious, I thought, even though the air is crackling with sexual energy, she still found a way to crack a couple jokes and tease me.“We’ll have to talk ” I whispered back to her, careful so Mom and Dad couldn’t over hear us. Luckily, the country music Dad was playing was muting our sounds. She smiled again, that glorious, disarming smile. “Where’s the fun in talking?” she said, and leaned over in front of me so much I could smell her perfume. “There’s a lot more fun in fucking…” she purred.My cock twitched in my jeans. “Gawd” I said, with a small laugh. “You win, you poked the bear. Congratulations”. She smiled again, and whispered “This is going to be a long reunion. I just want to have fun and relax, ok?? We can always talk later about what any of this means. But in the mean time, just enjoy yourself. I mean, you’re a hot guy, I’m a good looking girl, it doesn’t have to be more complicated than that, does it?”———————————————————————————————————–It was a large field, but there was all kinds of lawn games being played, and plenty of seating all around. Extended family was everywhere, and stories were being shared and laughed about in every direction. I was mostly killing time over by the bar, in the corner of the property where there was a vantage point one most activities and on going’s. It was an open bar, and the drinks were flowing freely, but my Uncle Ned sat close by keeping an eye on things so no minors were getting into trouble. I was sipping on a soda, and chatting idly with Uncle Ned, when I saw her.Tonight was the last big “hoo-rah” of the reunion, and it concluded the two day events that were planned and completed. I hadn’t seen Amanda since she was whisked away by our great aunt’s and Grand-something-somethings, as soon as Dad’s car was parked. There was so much happening, that besides from bumping into her, or an awkward smile from across the room, I hadn’t seen her. She even was staying with our cousins in the seperate hostel, at least a football field away from where I was staying with our nephew’s in law. Since Amanda and I were seperated for the last 48 hours, I had time to digest what actually had happened between us. I confirmed several facts to myself, whether I wanted to admit them or not. Firstly, the sex was incredible. I didn’t know that something so wrong could feel that…intoxicating. I replayed every second in my mind a thousand times. How every inch of her body felt pressed into mine, how every sensations lingered and rang through my mind like an alarm sounding. I memorized the empowering feeling of her pussy accepting me, how it felt when she let me in. No other girl I’ve been with was like that. I wanted to never stop being inside of her. I wanted to just live in her writhing and gushing pussy!Secondly, I was hiiiiiiighhhhhh! Whatever that drug was in the vial, it was unlike anything I’ve ever heard of or seen before. I wasn’t in any kind of control of what was happening. But, that being true, I felt like I was. I felt supremely confident, and wickedly atuned to what was happening. But it wasn’t me, I don’t think. In the lull of conversation with Uncle Ned, I thought to myself I wonder if Amanda felt the same… from the drug, I mean?In that moment of that thought, is when I saw her. She was cutting through the crowd of jovial family, and making a bee-line right for the bar. Amanda looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a gorgeous, dark navy blue dress that stopped at her mid thigh. Her makeup was flawless, and her typically nerdy-goody-two-shoes-christian persona was hidden behind the loose locks of curly black hair. A thin black choker was set against her pale neckline, which was a contrast to the deep blood red lipstick she was sporting. What the fuck, I thought, my jaw still slack. What happened to my innocent little sister?She walked straight up to me. Uncle Ned was distracted by another distant uncle, and had his back turned to us. Amanda smiled, her milky white teeth shone brilliantly in the dying light of the Louisana Summer. “Follow me…” she whispered coyly. I was confused for a second, but then she slinked away behind the bar top. She’s making a break for it, I thought! She is going to steal booze right under Uncle Ned’s nose! I dipped out of sight with her behind the bar. She was already hurriedly uncorking a fresh bottle of champagne. “A drink for you, kind gentleman?” She whispered again, and giggled softly, pouring two small glasses. I couldn’t help but smile at her. “You know I love you, right?” I said.Huh? Why did I just sputter that out? I didn’t mean too. The sentence almost seemed a little callous in the second, and Amanda had a soft look of confusion cross her face. That’s when it hit me. The third fact I learned from our fuck fest and mystery vial. I was in love with her. Not just in love with her, not as a sister, but in love with her. The second my brain connected the dots, it all made sense. I was in love with her. Thats why I felt so springy, and light. That’s why I remembered every inch of her body. That’s why I constantly craved to have a conversation with her this weekend, because I needed her attention. I needed her to need me. I felt fire well up in my chest, and the realization was sudden. I wanted to be with her!“Shit!”Amanda whispered, and jumped under the bar itself. Uncle Ned had ambled over and was getting himself a beer, and would surely see us if we didn’t move quick. I didn’t have an option. I dove under the bard with Amanda, ensuring the counter top would block his view. Unfortunatly for Amanda, I was literally laying on top of her now, and she was wedged underneath of me. Again, for a moment, I smelled her perfume. I looked down at her, and realized she was looking up at me too. No words needed to be spoken. Hidden under that bar, somehwere far from our home, the taste of champagne on our breath, the stars out and music playing, it all made sense. I loved this girl. I’d be willing to do anything for her. Forever.So what if we have a secret. Everyone has secrets. Why would I even try and deprive myself of this feeling, this supreme love that seeped through my every pore. If I didn’t act now, I’d regret it for the rest of my life.I leaned forward and kissed her. Gentle. Her lips parted to meet mine and she kissed back gentle. Her soft tongue touched my lips, and I returned the favor. It wasn’t long before we were completely tongue tied in a kiss, her body conformed to mine in the cramped space, and the sound of our family playing and joking a few feet away disappeared into nothing. We broke our kiss and I looked deep into her eyes. Her thighs had spread, and I was between them, her short dress now riding high. “I wanted to kiss you this whole weekend.” she said, her breasts gently swelling with her breath. “I couldn’t find a moment. All I wanted was to have you hold me again. It’s all I can think about.” she smiled, and brushed some hair from her face bashfully. “It’s ok.” I replied. “I wanted to do the same to you.”She smiled, that same devilish smile that was so enticing while playing “Poke the Bear”. Her fingers trailed lazily down towards the waistline of my slacks. “I bet you wouldn’t fuck me under this bar right now if I dared you to.” she said, biting her lower lip. It was my turn to grin “Then you misjudge me, Ms.”She slowly started unzipping my cock, and it was hardening quickly in response. Here we go again, I thought. Savor this moment! Her nimble fingers gripped around my cock, and she instinctively gave a couple soft tugs to get the blood flowing. She had started to pant, and I knew she was getting lost in her lust. “Fuck!” she whispered breathlessly. “Your cock is soo thick, bro. How did I even manage to fit all of this inside of me last time?” she said. My dick was now throbbing in her hand, and she had fished it succcessfully out of my pants. “Oh, by the way…” she purred, now that my cock was free and at its full length. “I didn’t wear panties tonight just in case I had the chance to jump you…”The hem of her dress was at her hips now, and in the dimly lit light of the bar, I could definitely see her bare skin. Wow, I thought. I can see my hard cock, absolutely bursting with excitement, with one tiny glov of pearly cum leaking from the tip, and it’s angled directly into my sisters soft and tiny pussy. Amanda softly giggled again, biting her lip. She used my cock to massage against her clit, and her breath became panted and labored again at the sensation. My meat rubbed seamlessly against her lips, and that’s when I realized. She was absolutely soaking wet. Her pussy must be positively drenched. My sweet little sister must really be looking forward to this moment!!In one deft move, my cock began seperating her pussy lips again. She moaned softly as the ring of flesh dilated and allowed me inside her again. “ugh fuCK” she breathed out hard in my ear, before sucking on my ear lobe. I decided to go agonizingly slow. Inch by inch, I pressed into her slightly, and watched her face contort and she became accomosted to my size. I would back out of her slowly too, just and inch or two, until I couldn’t take my own teasing and pressed forward into her more. My thick cock head slithered against her g-spot, the insides of her pussy hugging tightly on prick. Before I knew it, I was inside of her again, her legs splayed open to the sides of my hips, her head thrown back in ectasy, her breasts still swelling and deflating with her breath in the confines of her dress. I was astounded at how good she felt. Amanda must not have got much dick in her day, I thought. She is tighter than a virgin, and she was last time too. I was starting to pump into her. and her tiny body was meeting every thrust of mine with a soft bounce and jiggle. She looked absolutely adorable while she is getting fucked, I thought.Suddenly, even though we had a wicked hot rythym going, Amanda wiggled away from underneath me, and got on her hands and knees. “Doggy. NOW” she said. I grinned and positioned myself behind her. With my hand I flipped her tight dress up over her shapely ass, and aligned my cock into her slit. She was still soaking wet, and I glided easily deep inside of her. Because the bar was so cramped, the easiest way to make this happen was to have her head and shoulders poking out from the underneath. It was dangerous I thought. Anyone could lean over the bar, peer down, and see Amanda under here. But I didn’t give a fuck. All I cared about was making her cum. And she was getting close, I could tell.I never considered myself a very endowed man, but I was ravaging Amanda, and she was squirming and moaning like I was a bull-porn star. It was downright sexy. She was going to cum on my cock, I thought. My dick is making her, this beautiful woman crazy with lust. She was blushing red and continued pressing her thick hips back onto my rigid cock.She whispered back to me “dont… stop,.. I’m…. gonnnnnnaaa…… cummmmm!”“What was that?” I heard someone say.Immediately, Amanda stopped bouncing on my cock, but I was still buried deep inside of her. She looked up. “Oh, hey Dad…” she said to someone on the other side of the bar. I felt a rush of panic sweep through me. Fuck!!!! Amanda is talking with our Dad right now… and he’s standing on the other side of this bar!“I’m just picking up a dish rag, it must of fell somewhere over here.” I heard her state, matter of factly. She glanced quickly at me and mouthed Don’t you dare move! I wasn’t trying to, I swear. But I was on the verge of cumming, there was no denying that. My cock was getting ready to twitch and spurt a liter of cum, deep inside my sister’s pussy. Her pussy was sooo tight, I could feel her suppressing the urge to cum too. It is hard to describe, but I could have sworn that I felt her pussy walls trying to milk jizz from me. I just imagained quickly Amanda’s utureus, thirsty, begging to be drenched, hormones raging and boiling, twitching, suckling at my cock. Trying to gain every drip possible to ensure fertilization.I couldn’t resist. The image of Amanda draining my hot load from her fresh fucked pussy was too much. Dad had somthing back to Amanda, but I couldn’t stop.Literally with my Dad two feet away from us, I began pumping and spewing cum deep inside of my Sister, who turned beet red again when she felt the sensation exploding inside of her. “Yeahhhhhhh….!!! Uh, yeah, I’ll be over in a minute Dad!!!” she moaned out, and playfull pressed her hips harder back onto me. Every possible ounce of cum had just soaked my sisters cervix. It could not possibly have been deeper. She looked back at me again, totally shocked! Dad almost caught us, and you still had the nerve to cum inside of me like that!!!Amanda reached down, and helped guide my deflating cock out of her. A tiny river of my jizz dribbled out of her, splashing aginst her thigh. She took her middle finger, and using the cum as lubrication, began fingering herself to ensure her orgasm. It didn’t take much. She touched her sensitive clit, and combined with my sperm, was able to glide her fingers effortlessly on herself until her twitching moanin orgasm hit. I tried my best to keep her quiet, but she was loud! I thought someone was going to hear for sure, but the music only got turned up loader. I stood slowly, after my cock was back in my slacks, and stretched my cramping neck. That was close I thought.I offered Amanda my hand to stand, and she acceppted. Both standing now, she fixed her dress. “Fuck, you got cum on it” she said to no one in particular, trying to scrub it off. “I borrowed this dress from our cousin, she might think I fucked someone while wearing it…” I smiled. She smiled again too.“Look, we can talk later. After we get back home on Tuesday, we’ll have some time. But, just don’t think too hard about it, ok??” She said, as she began sauntering off. “And by the way. I’m in love with you too.”I got out from behind the bar in a gentle daze. My legs still weren’t trustworthy from the fuck session, so I decided to sit and enjoy the last of my abandoned soft drink. I glanced around the dwindling reunion, with a lot on my mind. I love her, I thought. I’m addicted to fucking her. I don’t know how much of it is the mystery drug, or my own emotions, but I do love her. I took another sip, and saw her from far down at the other end of the bar talking with Mom and Dad. They were laughing together, and it was a beautiful moment. I stared absently for a second, almost in slow motion they were laughing and interacting, and it was beautiful. I also did notice one large glob my cum seeping down from the inside of my sisters thigh to the ground. -- source link
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