postapocalypticflimflam:postapocalypticflimflam: gffa:Obi-Wan Kenobi - The Wanderer | by Guillem H
postapocalypticflimflam:postapocalypticflimflam: gffa: Obi-Wan Kenobi - The Wanderer | by Guillem H. Pongiluppi If this wanderer has just three “treasures” in that backpack, they are, according to p. GW55-56: saxophone – far condition duralloy cylinder – 15cm diameter, 1 meter long, 1cm thick pocket elevator – poor condition, dead batteries Illustration by Guillem H Pongiluppi Or:stamp machine – poor conditionhearing aid – poor conditionthree folding metal chairs – good condition, but giving off Intensity 5 radiation -- source link
#post apocalypse#wasteland#gamma world#star wars