drone76:Joel had always dreamed of wearing rubber since when at a young age when he saw rubber mad
drone76: Joel had always dreamed of wearing rubber since when at a young age when he saw rubber made costumes in sci fi movies. He was a very handsome guy, light brown hair and blue eyes, about 6'2 and 175 lbs of defined muscle. Now that he was 18 and had discovered all the websites with people sharing the same passion, his appetite for rubber and being controlled grew bigger and bigger. Being a very poor freshman college student made it impossible to buy any pieces of gear or rubber clothing, even second hand ones. One day, Joel was creating a profile on a fetish website. Being particularly horny that day made him write down and develop many of his fantasies, craving for «something intense»that would blow his mind away for good». Anyway, what could be better than rubber, he asked himself. He kept writing and opening new accounts here and there all night. Of course, there were several people who visited his profiles, proposed him some things, but when he replied, they never did. Until one day he met someone on one of the sites, who lived across the country that simply started to talk to him, and complimented him on his profile. They exchanged email addresses and chatted and this made Joel discover a whole new world of things that he never dare think about such as hypnosis and mind control. A whole new world opened to him. One day, chatting with the same guy, his virtual friend proposed Joel to try chastity. As soon as he read those words, his dick was throbbing and dripping precum. Without even thinking about it much he simply agreed and, as requested gave the size of his waist, cock, etc. Three weeks later, he received a package at his dorm. When he opened it, he couldn’t believe it. It was a Carrara chastity belt. He logged in on his chat account and couldn’t wait to talk to his friend. In order to thank him, he made sure that he put it on properly, and he switched his camera on. His friend guided him and soon, the belt was locked. He would receive the key in one week, he was told. The same night, Joel wasn’t able to sleep, or even close his eyes. He was just thinking about all the hot stuff they talk about including rubber and mind control and about all the pics of docile rubber men he saw. Before he knew it, it was time for him to get ready for class. But still, he wasn’t able to focus at all, just thinking about talking to his friend. As soon as he get back, he logged on, his friend was waiting for him. Just talking to him was so relaxing yet made him horny. He learned that his desires were normal and needed to learn to control them, that he was now a submissive, needed to submit to his cravings, that he should learn about them, what his body was telling him. Every night Joel was thinking about all the words and things that were being pushed into his head. About how horny and happy he felt and began to discover the pleasures of the mind and body that were possible from total submission. On the 7th day, his friend told him to come over so he could unlock the chastity device for Joel, he said. And since the man owned some rubber gear, Joel couldn’t stop imagining all the fun he would have. His friend booked him a train ticket and also gave him a playlist and a very special mp3 to listen to during the trip over and over. Joel packed his bag headed for the train station. As soon as he was seated, he put the mp3 on his iPhone and started listening to it. It was very calm, deeply relaxing music. Having barely slept during the week, he fell asleep in a matter of seconds as the secretly hypnotic and brainwashing mp3 started to rewire and reprogram Joel’s brain slowly. When Joel woke up, he had arrived at his destination. He shrugged his head and headed outside looking for his friend, walking slowly and almost robotically as he felt almost numb and so calm. After a few minutes he spotted the man, his new master, next to his car. Joel opened the door and got in. As soon as he was seated his master said a special phrase to him, “You will submit and obey and let go of all self”. Joel didn’t know why and how, but he wasn’t able to move an inch. He obeyed and really did not think about anything at all. Blank empty and horny as he had been programmed by the mp3. When they got to his new master’s place, they entered the garage, 4 rubber wearing college age boys were waiting for them, staring mindlessly ahead his beautiful blue eyes blank and void of anything behind them. Without any command, as soon as the car stopped, the 4 young “men” opened the door and walked towards Joel. Unable to move or even to squirm, the 4 ripped off Joel’s clothes. He was brought to the basement where they removed the chastity belt, exposing his dick that would cum at any moment. They shaved Joel’s head almost immediately. Joel was just a witness, not even really able to blink his eyes. Then, the 4 started to spray some black goo on him, that soon covered Joel’s body with a thick shiny coating. Then, they began to lubricate him and put on tight rubber suit, covering every inch of his body except for his head, all the while television monitors across the room with spinning spirals overtaking the rest of Joel’s nearly destroyed brain. Music also played at a strange unique frequency erasing his will and mind even further. Then, they put a third, then fourth, and fifth layer on of the special rubber that was tight but not too thick. Then, what was left of him felt like he being lifted and seated but by this point he could not resist even if the old Joel had wanted to. He was almost completely brainwashed by now and over 99 percent of his old memories, personality and chance of resiting had been removed. His legs and arms were secured now. He felt his mouth opened by some sort of tube that seemed to be going deep in his throat. He also felt some tubes in his nose and one gently inserted into his ass and one gently around his penis. - “Hello Joel”. This was his new master speaking: “I remember that you said that you wanted something intense that would blow your mind away. So here it is. Soon, you will be experiencing it. You have been connected with Drone #336. It has been here already for six months. It learned its new purpose, its new way of living, its new life. It will also teach you all these thing, such as breathing properly while you are reprogrammed and further erased and become my newest Drone. You will be living in a symbiotic existence for the next six months. You will also hear my voice, teaching you and reprograming you so you can enjoy fully your new existence. The visor and large mask covering your head will allow you to see images I want you to, which drone #336 will transfer to you via his mask and visor and controlled otherwise emptied mind. You will see images such as hyper masculine men and blank mindless rubber clad transformed drone boys like yourself, this is all of what you desire to be and want. You will also see as well a pattern of spirals constantly to suck out the small remainder of your free will, mind and old personality identity. Joel will no longer exist, only Drone #337. You will be fed nutrients and liquids at slow intervals through your throat and nose and will have your bowels emptied as needed. See you in 6 six months. Before he could try to resist or squirm, a strong chemical smell invaded his nose, numbing his mind further and nearly completely, instantly. Then the sound of mechanical breathing started. Breathing in….and out. Directly in his ears, he heard his new master’s voice, soothing, appeasing repeating many things such has «I am Drone 337. it obeys.. It is Master’s possession, It is an object. It does not think. It is brainwashed. It is blank. It is empty. It is property. It is a masculine drone.» He was tormented and reprogrammed by this repeatedly, endlessly. Maybe weeks, maybe months, he didn’t know or have concept of tile anymore. He no longer had capacity to even have the strength to keep track of where he was, what’s happening to him and had long ago lost who he was except that he was Drone #337 and needed to stare with his blank expression and empty eyes at the spirals and words in head and the masculine images, as his beard grew in thick and dense and his formerly shaved body hair grew in luxuriously all over his body underneath the rubber, so thick that the outlines of it could be seen thru the thin rubber. Every humming sound, every word, each spin of the spiral in his eyes were making his mind melt a bit more until there literally was no thought and he was empty and almost hollowed out, his brain useless except to obey each command from now on, mindlessly and robotically, as he was converted into drone #337 completely, no longer a person. At some point, he began to feel happy, blissful blankless, now an object, an “it” instead of a “he”. Just listening, and breathing, watching spirals and images flash by constantly draining him to complete oblivion and beyond. During all this time, it didn’t cum at all, thanks to the file it listened to on the train. With each word, it felt better and better, if it even could “feel” anymore. It felt more blissful than ever having let go of all self and been replaced by drone #337. Then, at some point after 6 months in this endless state, it robotically felt horny as the programming told him to, and it felt about to cum. In a matter of a few seconds, it had a gigantic orgasm washing away its 0.01 percent of the remaining rest of its mind brain and thoughts permanently and forever. When it was done, instinctively, it repeated in his mind and outloud in a flat monotone voice what the master’s voice taught him during all that time. -This is Drone unit 337. It obeys. It is Master’s possession, It is an object……“ over and over it droned to itself over and over and it obeys. The master came and examined his new toy. Six months has passed and just as he had planned, he completed its reprogramming and now owned another young former college boy who was now his Drone and object literally. Drone 336, the unit that was already there when Joel was installed, was released from its connection to the new #337 it had helped program via its direct connection to #337’s visor and mind. Mechanically both drones stood up. The former Joel, now 337 didn’t need anybody now to breath with it in order to get as much chemically altered air that it needed to exist. Joel’s head was quickly shaved by #336 but its thick masculine beard was allowed to stay, giving it the appearance of a “man” in his mid 20’s if one was to think of it as a man. A moment later, another college aged boy was installed behind the new #337. 337 would be now teaching to this one how to breath and convert the former Billy to drone #338, a beautiful natural blond haired surfer boy procured via the web as well who would soon be erased and programmed like the former Joel. 337 didn’t have to think about it, he mo longer had the power of thought. It simply had to keep breathing as it learned, listening to the master’s voice, being completely blank empty and blissfull for the next six months before being properly activated and delivered to a new owner after converting Billy the surfer into masculine drone #338. -- source link
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