zennistrad: The last commission from @kisetsukaze, who was kind enough to help me with the OC desig
zennistrad: The last commission from @kisetsukaze, who was kind enough to help me with the OC designs I’m planning on including in my Digimon Tamers fic. Who is this mysterious digimon, and what exactly does he want? Name: Arcanamon Level: Variable Type: Entelechon Attribute: Free Attacks: Effortless Perfection: Alters its level at will, without the need for digivolution. Minor Arcana: Throws a card of the minor arcana with deadly accuracy, slicing through the opponent. Major Arcana: Calls upon the power of the major arcana to harness the abilities and attacks of other digimon. These attacks always have the attribute of the digimon they are taken from, so an attack originating from a virus digimon will have the virus attribute, and so forth. List of Major Arcana: The Fool: Guilmon’s Pyro Sphere The Magician: Piedmon’s Clown Trick The High Priestess: Sakuyamon’s Spirit Strike The Empress: Ophanimon’s Sephirot Crystal The Emperor: Seraphimon’s Strike of the Seven Stars The Hierophant: SeikenVeedramon’s Aura Cannon The Lovers: Mastemon’s Chaos Degradation The Chariot: Guardromon’s Guardian Barrage Strength: MegaGargomon’s Mega Barrage The Hermit: Shinigamimon’s Cable Ripper The Wheel of Fortune: Meicoomon’s Cross Scratch Justice: Gallantmon’s Shield of the Just The Hanged Man: Leomon’s Fist of the Beast King Death: Calumon’s Shining Digivolution Temperance: Justimon’s Justice Burst The Devil: MaloMyotismon’s Mental Illusion The Tower: Megidramon’s Megiddo Flame The Star: Zero ARMS Grani’s Yuggoth Blaster The Moon: ADR-01’s Mind Scan The Sun: MarineAngemon’s Kahuna Waves Judgment: Beelzemon Blast Mode’s Corona Destroyer The World: Gallantmon Crimson Mode’s Final Justice Bio: A mysterious digimon of near-endless capabilities, with the power to modify and augment its own data through the use of specialized tarot cards. With no specific attribute and the ability to alter its level at will, it claims to be the ultimate digital lifeform, and the greatest possible realization of a digital being’s potential. Though its exact origins are unknown, it is rumored to be a living manifestation of the Blue Card algorithm. It is frequently seen antagonizing other digimon, with a particular interest in those who have bonded with human partners. Despite this, it rarely if ever uses lethal force. -- source link
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