smoothbutnotacriminal:- In celebration of getting my 200th follower today I decided to make a foll
smoothbutnotacriminal: - In celebration of getting my 200th follower today I decided to make a follow forever. I haven’t been on Tumblr (as an MJ blog) for long and so far it’s been such a laugh and so much fun to interact with the awesome mjfam everyday. - a b c alwaysmichaeljackson, angelface-jacksonnn, anneke-treasure, annie-is-not-ok, anniebadjackson, appleheadandleo, aproudmoonwalker, are—you-ok-annie, asmoothmoonwalker baderahaven, badstreetwalker, beyondtheplanetsandthestars, bluemoonwalker, bowlrx, breakofdawn777 captaineojackson, cherrycherryshamone, comewithmemike d e f dangerous-web-of-sin, deepinhiseyes, directionallyinlove, diz-pra-sempre, droberson1104 eternalmjj feelslikeafirethatburnsinmyheart g h i geniuslester, ghost—of—jealousy h-e-a-v-e-n—c-a-n—w-a-i-t idamjj, ijcslymjj, indianbutterfly, isaidshamone, itsjustdesire j k l jenluvmichael, jesspath, jozinha, justmoonwalkersthings kingmjjpop lemjpanda13, lets-moonwalk, lovelivesforevermj-love m n o maicojack, magic-joseph-jamson, marenjifo, michaaeljackson, michael-applehead-jackson, michaelandpotter, michaeljacksonruinedeverything, michaeljacksonsbutt, michaeljacksonsdick, michaelmakesmewet, michaelsbadpyt, michaelsfreak, michellejackson-blog, mikeybaby98, missgossip3, mj-foralltime, mj-jay, mj-king, mjisking, mjracles, mjsheartisstillbeating, mjsloveslave, mjsoldieroflove, mjwillbethere, mmoscoww, moonwalkalloveryou, moonwalkingwithcobain, moonwalkingwithmichael, musicalloafers, mymichaeljacksonobsession niteline ohhmichael p q panther-dance queenjacksonn s t u seanmichaelac, seriouseffect, seveninchesin, seveninchesinme, shes-in-vinci-ble, smoothcriminal58-09, sparkly-jizz, superflysisterr tabloid-junkies, takemybluesaway, tbrandfas4mj, thaliajackson, thegirlisdanger0us, thegoldpants, theinvincibleking, themusickidofmusic, theoryoffear, tinypineananas, tired-of-injustice, treasureslife, treasuresofthepast, tuliojjackson w x we-can-singsongs-of-yesterday, welovejacksons, weretakinover, whosfuckingbad, whozbad xmichaeljacksonx y z ya-doin-wrong, youvebeenhitby zasharra, zeecake # 100statesofemma, 2000wattsbitch, 9to5upontheshelf - Everyone I’ve listed here are amazing people with flawless blogs and you should follow them; all of themmm! ♥ If I’ve left anyone out - I’m so sorry. It’s nothing personal - I’m just forgetful and dumb. xD I LOVE ALL OF MY FOLLOWERS! - Aww! Thank you so much babe <33 -- source link
Tumblr Blog :
#sweet moonwalkers#thank you#so honored#lets follow