Evening Shade (TV Series) - ’A Day in the Life of Wood Newton’ S1/E1 (1990), Charles Dur

Evening Shade (TV Series) - ’A Day in the Life of Wood Newton’ S1/E1 (1990), Charles Dur
Evening Shade (TV Series) - ’A Day in the Life of Wood Newton’ S1/E1 (1990), Charles Dur
Evening Shade (TV Series) - ’A Day in the Life of Wood Newton’ S1/E1 (1990), Charles Dur
Evening Shade (TV Series) - ’A Day in the Life of Wood Newton’ S1/E1 (1990), Charles Dur
Evening Shade (TV Series) - ’A Day in the Life of Wood Newton’ S1/E1 (1990), Charles Dur
Evening Shade (TV Series) - ’A Day in the Life of Wood Newton’ S1/E1 (1990), Charles Dur