slipperydigit: lowlife-faggot: justmyamateurgirlass: iseebigbooty: jellis71: justsweetness80: frontpaige123: culodediosa: epicfacial: #SavePorn REBLOG THIS Reblog this So this is why they removed one of my videos? Lol Say it ain’t so! It makes sense now. Reblog This is not good, tumblr why you do this to me.This is the reason I have always stayed to make videos.:(-asian booty they removed my complete blog and dont answer my mail sent to support. LOWLIFE FAGGOT. YOUR BLOG’S ARCHIVE IS STILL AVAILABLE. NOT MY CUP OF PISS, BUT IT’S STILL THERE. WHAT’S NEEDED IS A STRATEGY. AN UNDERGROUND ALLIANCE. IF YOU KNOW ME AND MY WORK, YOU KNOW HOW I DO AND IF YOU DON’T:…2992.8197.0.9213.…0.0…1c.1.9.psy-ab.ZHDlsAJf_WY&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45175338,d.b2I&fp=e83c57ed5df4b517&biw=1280&bih=699 the revolution is CUMMING! MOSCOWRADCLIFFE@GMAIL.COM -- source link
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