mankindglobalmedia: spidrei: imminentdeathsyndrome: elsexy27: getoveryourselflady: imminentdeathsyndrome: inverseserenity: yeah, but who statistically won World War Two for America? The women. The women stepped up because they were NEEDED, not even wanted by the US. And they were doing a hell of a good job. They stepped up because, yeah all the men where out fighting in the war, but the woman made all the weapons and ammo that the men needed to even be able to fight. Without us, the war would be lost. if us women weren’t around then or now, the world would be a different place. We are needed. But not just that. We may have gotten the right to fucking vote, but we are fighting to be WANTED. And not as sex toys or objects. We aren’t here to be your fucking cook. We want to be respected as equals, wanted as people, as citizens. So cut the bullshit and end this sexism. I’m not afraid of the word feminist, and I’ll shout my beliefs off of every rooftop until I’m heard. So fuck you and your sexist beliefs. I’m a woman, and I am strong. This girl is just too stupid to insult and listen to her with the old relic feminist talking points from 1880. You are aware that soldiers aren’t all that’s involved in winning a war right? Like a country needs to be able to produce arms and armaments to fight. So yeah the men might have died in battle, but who stepped up and kept America’s economy functioning so that the country could survive? Hell let me go further, the war was won by Russia, in which women fulfilled many battlefield roles too. Germany however decided to use slave labour instead of employing women and how did they go? That’s right they lost didn’t they?Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. You are aware that not all men went to war and still worked in factories, right? Women were only hired because of a shortage of men doing those jobs and not all factories even hired women. Less than 30% of women even accounted for labor jobs in the United States during both wars. Here are hard numbers of men and women working in factories during WWII, men being over 40,000 in all years and women being under 20,000 in all years. Less than 5 million men fought in WWI and an estimated 16.1 million men fought in WWII. So it should be pretty fucking clear that all men didn’t go off to war and many still worked in factories, so the war effort cannot be attributed only to women entering the labor sector. It was a shared effort but not at all equally because men were still doing more at 70% of the work. It should also be noted that child labor laws were changed in states so 1.9 million teenagers could work in factories. Sure, women did help in the war effort but they were not forced to work or to fight and die in combat. In fact, Geraldine Hoff Doyle, aka Rosie the Riveter, quit her job after only two weeks of work. Must have been nice to just quit because you didn’t like what you were doing. There were only 800,000 enlisted women who fought in the Soviet Armed Forces out of a total 11,365,000 Soviet soldiers and they didn’t all fight on the front-line as many were relegated to the rear and domestic duties. But those female soldiers who did make it to combat were so unprepared for the harsh conditions of war and military life that they resorted to desertion and suicide. As for Germany, there were 500,000 German women who volunteered for military service and served as part of the SS, uniformed auxiliary units, and defensive positions. Aw, did I just destroy your precious misconceptions of history? Yeah, sit down and shut the fuck up, you’re a fucking idiot. I hate this post, seriously so much. Who the fuck cares about the woman verus men crap when it comes to the war. You guys can spout off your facts and show us links and shit but actual people died in these wars. Woman joined the work forces so that their husbands and sons and brother would come back alive! All of you are wilting it down to feminist crap and male egos, who did more, who did less. WHO THE FUCK GIVES A SHIT? Woman joined the work force mostly out of love, they wanted their men to come home and they mostly didn’t and if they did, they weren’t the same. This war affected men, woman and child of all religons, race and ideals. YOU ALL NEED TO SIT DOWN SHUT UP AND STOP BEING BASTARDS TO EACH OTHER. KEEP ALL YOUR WHOSE GOT A DICK AND WHO GOT A VAG OUT OF IMPORTANT TIMES THAT SHOULDN’T BE FUCKING TRIVIALIZED! There’s no hint of trivializing the sacrifices of others. Feminism thinks it can get by on grrl power and men aren’t necessarily needed, and that ain’t true, Cupcake. I could flip it all back on you & say wtf does it matter what American women did or didn’t do, anyway - Russia won the war for us! Interesting post all in all. It’s true that the work expectations for women have always been lower. However, the statement about the German women pretty much contradicts the notion that women were not pulling their own weight. Perhaps American women weren’t pulling that much weight, but the German women were, and German women are still women. As far as men are not needed. Maybe they’re right. I suggest men simply refuse to help women. Don’t help them change that flat tire, don’t carry their books to class for them, don’t give them a ride when you see them hitch hiking, don’t let them live with you while you support them. After all, these are things you wouldn’t do for your fellow man; so don’t do it for women, after all, they don’t need you. If the feminists bother you with their rhetoric about men aren’t needed, don’t retaliate with “yes we are”. Just say “you’re right” and walk away, and encourage every man to walk away. No more traditionalist manly men in congress looking out for women by passing VAWA and so on. No more of this “got to protect and provide for the women folk” bullshit. Men need to turn their backs on women. If a man hits a woman in public, ignore it, it ain’t your business, don’t jump in and play white knight, after all, women would never do the same for you. Do women need men? who knows, and who cares. Turn your back on them and walk away. I don’t think women are needed. Microwave ovens and pizza delivery, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, dish washing machines, has replaced the house wife. Vaseline+free internet porn has replaced them sexually. I have no need for women. I don’t date women, and quite frankly can’t be bothered with them. Their idol chit chat is painful to listen to. Few women ever have any talents or skills that can impress, amuse, or benefit me. They grow old and their looks spoil as fast as unrefrigerated milk. I have no use for a boring talentless aging drama queen in my life. So i don’t need women. Perhaps it’s true that they don’t need us. I say put the theory into practice. As a culture we need to break the “protector provider” role, and let women survive on their own, no more taxes going to their womens-only battered shelters and head-start job training programs. If women want these things, let them pay for these services through their charity and donations, let’s stop obligating men to pay for feminist programs via taxes. MGTOW 4 Life -- source link
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