)”memrise Gallery
harley quinzell
sandy passage
tunisian cuisine
Notabilis modus quo puella, puellae meminerisAn interesting way to remember puella, puellae
I’ve been playing catch-up with my Memrise courses (including my German ones not shown) since I didn
Other language learning apps: “Here’s how to say hello :)”Memrise: “Here’s how to insult someone’s e
K-pop / korean songs vocabulary memrise course(I made the word lists and course for my personal stud
Knapp daneben ist auch vorbei. Close but no banana. #learngerman #smartergerman #memrise (at Berlin
studykorean4me:I just wanted to show the apps I use to help me study. The Talk to Me in Korean app i
Learn 5 New Vocabularies A Day: Words I learned today This is the start of my daily challenge to le
Notabilis modus quo rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus meminerisAn interesting way to remember rogo, roga
Learn 5 Vocabularies A Day: ~ What I learned today ~App used to learn: Memrise (Ultimate Korean Voca
Learn 5 Vocabularies A Day: ~ What I learned today ~App used to learn: Memrise———&
Annotated screenshots from Memrise’s Pronunciation mode.I don’t know if this feature is
Learning French, yeah baby
Learn 5 Vocabularies A Day: ~ What I learned today ~App used to learn: Memrise———&
studybunbun: Resources that helped me improve my Korean talktomeinkorean.com topikguide.com memrise
studybunbun: Resources that helped me improve my Korean talktomeinkorean.com topikguide.com memrise
starryskiesandlanguages: Memrise Mondly Linguti Japanese in 300 words Guide To Japanese Maggie Sense
n case it wasn’t already clear.is.gd/memrise
Things to say to make a human feel good, lesson one.is.gd/memrise
Annotated screenshots from Memrise’s Pronunciation mode.I don’t know if this feature is
chiara-klara-claire:Summer language schedule #2 -memrise listening exercises on my Swedish and Dutc