備忘録 Gallery
ff14 xaela
備忘録 <memorandums : Inherit time>
備忘録 <memorandums : Accept the fragility>
備忘録 <memorandums : How to touch the sky>
備忘録 <memorandums : never let me go>
備忘録 <memorandums : Representations and symbols>
備忘録 <memorandums : What was once written>
備忘録 <memorandums : unconscious and tableau>
備忘録 <memorandums : It is very affectionate and kindhearted>
備忘録 <memorandums : About praying and wishing>
備忘録 <memorandums : signifié et signifiant>
備忘録 <memorandums : fluid at rest>
備忘録 <memorandums : blurring and overflowing>
備忘録 <memorandums : What disappears and what does not disappear>
備忘録 <memorandums : The difference between overlooking and pass over>
備忘録 <memorandums : What I notice only after being told by you>
備忘録 <memorandums : adaptation and circulation>
備忘録 <memorandums : Strange land>
備忘録 <memorandums : What can be created and what cannot be created>
備忘録 <memorandums : Between the past and the future>
備忘録 <memorandums : Suburbs>
備忘録 <memorandums : Between material and nonmaterial>
oopaigasuki: 備忘録
学校の授業で今日ガウディに関する講義を受けた。 芸術で心が動くの初めてで、凄く新鮮な感覚。 ガウディは自然から学ぶ態度を体現してるだけでなく、後継者にもその意志を伝承してるの心の底から尊敬できるなぁ。
備忘録 <memorandums : Between the past and the future>