松花堂昭乗 Gallery
Several Koi swimming in a stream of the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Prefecture.Did you know?:
A small hill with “Kinmei Moso Chiku” bamboo in front of the Chiku-in tearoom in the Shō
Another view of the Soan “Shōkadō” in the inner garden of the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata Cit
A suikinkutsu in front of the Soan “Shōkadō” in the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Pr
The entrance to the Soan “Shōkadō” in the inner garden of the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata Cit
Chiku-in tearoom in the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Prefecture.
A suikinkutsu near the Baiin Tea Room in the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Prefecture.
A suikinkutsu near the Baiin Tea Room in the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Prefecture.
The entrance to the Shōkadō Garden, Yawata City-Kyoto Prefecture. There are a lot of bamboos in this
泰勝寺庭園 / Taishoji Temple Garden, Yawata, Kyoto 京都府八幡市の『泰勝寺』の庭園が素敵…! “寛永の三筆”の一人で江戸時
松花堂庭園・美術館 / Shokado Garden Art Museum, Yawata, Kyoto ② 京都府八幡市の国指定名勝『松花堂庭園・美術館』が素敵…! “寛永
松花堂庭園・美術館 / Shokado Garden Art Museum, Yawata, Kyoto 京都府八幡市の国指定名勝『松花堂庭園・美術館』が素敵…! “寛永の三