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fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur: 220325 rndworks Instagram Update:Vive le roi Arthur뮤지컬 #킹아더 첫 스틸 공개⠀&ldqu
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur: 220401 rndworks Instagram Update:새로워진 이야기와 무대로 관객들을 매료시키다!뮤지컬 #킹아더 관객 리뷰⠀
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur:[CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT]The role of Guenièvre will be played by:Linzy
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur:[CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT]The role of Merlin will be played by:Kim TaehanJi Hy
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur:220322 lbkzz27 Twitter Update:오늘 킹아더 첫공을 보러 와주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사의 마음 전합니다♡♡♡
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur:[CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT]The role of Lancelot will be played by:Im Byeonggeun
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur:220322 lbkzz27 Twitter Update:오늘 킹아더 첫공을 보러 와주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사의 마음 전합니다♡♡♡
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur:220326 linzy_minji Instagram Update:영주선배님 첫공 기념 건치샷..ㅎ찰칵!! 너무 고생많으셨다지요~! 오
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur:[CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT]The role of Méléagant will be played b
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur:[CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT] The role of Arthur Pendragon will be played b
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur:[CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT]The role of Morgane will be played by:Jeong YoungjuC
fyeahlalegendeduroiarthur:220303 linzy_minji Instagram Update:. 요즘..귀네비어 연습, 귀네비어 고민..귀하다귀네비어. .(우리