19thcenturyboyfriend Gallery
favourite stuff
19thcenturyboyfriend:The Bathers in Tiber, Rome, Georges-Paul Leroux
19thcenturyboyfriend:Hugh William Osbert Molyneux (1921), Philip Alexius de László
19thcenturyboyfriend:J.C. Leyendecker
19thcenturyboyfriend:An Arab and His Dogs (1875), Jean-Léon Gérôme
19thcenturyboyfriend:Portrait of Victor Gay, Alexandre Laemlein
19thcenturyboyfriend:Portrait of Alfred Potocki (1879), Jan Matejko
19thcenturyboyfriend:Rubens Peale with a Geranium (1801), Rembrandt Peale
19thcenturyboyfriend:El Condesito, Mariano Fortuny
19thcenturyboyfriend:David and Saul, Julius Kronberg
19thcenturyboyfriend:Portrait of Jacques-Joseph de Cathelineau, Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson
19thcenturyboyfriend:Angel, Study for the Lost Paradise, Alexandre Cabanel
19thcenturyboyfriend:Self-portrait, Joaquín Tudela Perales
19thcenturyboyfriend:Gottfrid Kallstenius
19thcenturyboyfriend:Portrait De Militaire, Isidore Pils
19thcenturyboyfriend: Portrait of Santiago Rusiñol (1889), Ramon Casas i Carbó
19thcenturyboyfriend:Jan Preisler
19thcenturyboyfriend:The Lake Dwellers (1866), Albert Anker
19thcenturyboyfriend:Self-Portrait (1820), Carl Begas
19thcenturyboyfriend:Prometheus, Gustave Moreau
19thcenturyboyfriend:Narcissus in love with his own reflection, Dionisio Baixeras Verdaguer
19thcenturyboyfriend:Self-portrait (1911), Ernest Fosbery