Abattoir Gallery
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A Note On Religious SlaughterIn my third year of vet school, I had to write an essay on an animal we
Public Health RotationThe rotation that converts the masses to vegetarianism! This is a week spent i
genericarchitecture:AbattoirGeorges Bataille[Documents 1.6, November 1929, 328-330]
Jessica LowndesHorror Cred: The Haunting of Molly Hartley, Altitude, Autopsy, The Devil’s Carn
Public Health RotationThe rotation that converts the masses to vegetarianism! This is a week spent i
A Note On Religious SlaughterIn my third year of vet school, I had to write an essay on an animal we
I’m not jumping down there…Alt title: The fastest way to a town’s heart i
abattoirette: eight years old in the mulberry tree
abattoirette:eight years old in the mulberry tree
abattoirette-deactivated2018010:Jenny Holzer