Actuality Gallery
oromin c
check pants
鏡 <mirror>
あなたは光という歌声とともに <With the singing voice “You are light”>
中心または周縁 <central or marginal>
備忘録 <memorandums : Inherit time>
備忘録 <memorandums : Accept the fragility>
備忘録 <memorandums : How to touch the sky>
備忘録 <memorandums : never let me go>
備忘録 <memorandums : Representations and symbols>
備忘録 <memorandums : What was once written>
向こうに詩がある <There is a poem to the other side>
光を失う前に <Before losing the light>
眩しさと暖かさと知ることと喜びを <Glitter and warmth, knowing and joy>
絵画 <Soak the tip of my little finger in water>
白光の光、独立の生命、生きてきた眼 <White light, independent life, living eyes>
備忘録 <memorandums : unconscious and tableau>
備忘録 <memorandums : It is very affectionate and kindhearted>
見えないものを見るためのいくつかの方法 <Several ways to see what you can’t see>
gilbertnorrells-deactivated2015:the best of 2013 | [½] casts - the walking dead “In actuality
“The Sketch: A Journal of Art and Actuality”, Feb. 13, 1907Source
96vitamind:In actuality it’s a trip how we trip off of colors Ig: destinee.noy ✨
気づくことと知ることの差異 <The difference between noticing and knowing>
備忘録 <memorandums : About praying and wishing>
備忘録 <memorandums : signifié et signifiant>
備忘録 <memorandums : fluid at rest>