Aegyo Gallery
Big tits ride
tyrus gif
rei asaka
Cowgirl tits
Things i love about my bias ✧ Kim HimChan↳ his aegyo
suehaneul:girls love bad aegyo~
chenchenthedancingmachine:suhotness-deactivated20140921:chanyeol: “suho was born with aegyo.”Oh god
mostlymyday:young k’s 7-set aegyo
himdaes:aegyo time
backhug:key does not appreciate nicole’s aegyo
Once he starts to trust you, he’ll have a little bit of aegyo and have a childish behavior sometimes
chaello:Aegyo “Training?” starring Himchannie and Jello
djdonghun:hot potato aegyo afterwards bonus:
aegyo time with Jiung & Jongseob
WooHee’s aegyo for anti-fans~~~
leaderirene:irene’s flawless aegyo
Woojin getting beat up after his aegyo
15foreverjiminyerin:Jimin’s reaction to Jae’s ‘swag aegyo’
When U-KISS was asked to incorporate the fan's name into their aegyo
gukks:tae and hobi will do aegyo n times to jimin and jungkook just for snacks
blindkpop:choa aegyo
kimlips:kim lip suffering doing aegyo
counting aegyo!
soonkyuism:the evolution of sunny’s aegyo for @goldenhallyu ♡