Allegory Painting Gallery
lauterbrunnen valley
Riccardo Meacci (1856–d. ca. 1940)A homage to Florence, the coronation of Flora
Details n°2: Boy Blowing Soap Bubbles. Allegory on the Transitoriness and the Brevity of Life, 1663,
Workshop of Jan Massys, An Allegory of Charity, 16th century. Oil on canvas, 138.2 x 98.5 cm. Privat
maertyrer:Corrado GiaquintoSt. Agnes: An Allegory of Meekness18th century
Giuseppe Noagri (Venice, 1699-1763), Allegory of Winter, 18th century
Four roundels depicting classical figures, possibly representing the four seasons, by the circle of
The Antique Pottery Painter: Sculpturæ vitam insufflat pictura (Painting Breathes Life into Sculptur
Goddess of Fortune Stay With Us by Elihu VedderAmerican, 1893oil on canvasYale University Art Galler
Love’s Messenger, Marie Spartali Stillman, 1885
Painting and Music (Portrait of the Artist’s Son), Martin Drolling, 1800
Daydreams, Thomas Couture, 1859
Allegorical figures of Geometry, Arithmetic, Metaphysics, and Grammar by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo a
Allegory on the Transitoriness and the Brevity of Life, details, 1663, by Karel Dujardin
Jules-Joseph Lefebvre, An Allegory of Victory (detail), 19th century
Morning Follows Night by Nicolaes Berchem (1680)
An Allegory of Autumn by Nicolas RégnierFrench, 17th centuryoil on canvasprivate collection
Allegory of the Eucharist, Alexander Coosemans (1627-1689)
Johannes Vermeer - Allegory of the Catholic Faith (1672)
Detail from “Allegoria della redenzione”Allegory of Redemption (c.1585)by Jacopo Ligozzi
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Allegory of the Planets and Continents (1752)
Details from Il Tempo Fermato dalla Virtù (Time Is Stopped by the Glory of the Arts) by Antonio Bell
An Allegory of the Five Senses by a follower of Nicolas Régnieroil on canvasprivate collection
Il Tempo Fermato dalla Virtù (Time Is Stopped by the Glory of the Arts) by Antonio BellucciItalian,