Amateurkinaesthetics Gallery
maya tearan
danni ass
jeff russell
Self care for Ruby from RWBY for @umbraraptor. I included two varieties of candle because I thought
“ Hi there! I was wondering if I could get some self care for Neo from RWBY with anxiety? Preferably
Self care for Rantaro Amami from Dangan Ronpa! I’m gonna start including face masks in all of
Self care for Ralsei from Deltarune! I also promised to include @thel0nelyprinceCandleFace maskWizar
Stimboard for Sherb from Animal Crossing! I love this game and I love Sherb. I’m not very good
Self care for Ruby from RWBY for @umbraraptor. I included two varieties of candle because I thought
“ Hi there! I was wondering if I could get some self care for Neo from RWBY with anxiety? Pref