Anarchie Gallery
curl immersion
good news!
boobie pillows
‘No Borders, No NationsAntinational Solidarity’Buir, Germany, 2017
Chemnitz, Germany
Antifa Pinneberg
“For Anarchy!”
‘For the Social Revolution! ‘In Berlin, June 2017
Some more of the graffiti seen around Hamburg following the July2017 G20 protests
‘For Life! (A)’Düren, Germany
‘Democracy is not democratic’Berlin, June 2017
Fuck GentrificationKreuzberg, Berlin, 2017
“Nazi Free Zone!!”St Pauli, Hamburg
‘Fuck Cops’Hamburg, July 2017
Anti-Canada stencil in Montreal
Resistance & Sabotage
‘Nationalism kills’
ANTIFAon Rigaer Strasse, in Berlin
Stencils of Marius Van Der Lubbe in Germany. Van Der Lubbe was a 24 year old Dutch council communist
“Don’t hoard, plunder!“ Seen in Berlin
‘Vive l’anarchie / Long live anarchy’
“The only church that illuminates is a burning one”Seen in Paris
“No god! No state! No caliphate!”
“Everything for everyone. Now more than ever” Seen in Freiburg, Germany