Anarki Gallery
lw amber
“Papua Merdeka / Free West Papua” graff mural seen in Sydney. Over the past week West Pa
Anarchist graffiti and posters in solidarity with the West Papuan liberation struggle seen in Tanger
Oslo, Norway
“Fight Oppression / Melawan PenindasanDestroy Capitalism / Hancurkan KapitalismeSolidarity with anar
“State is Virus” Seen in Jakarta, Indonesia
Anarchist stickers seen around Stockholm, Sweden
‘Burn the Danish Flag’
“Rise up comrades. Solidarity with: Rojava, Exarchia, Hong Kong, Ecuador, Papua” Seen in
May Day 2019 in Bandung, Indonesia More than 600 anarchists were detained following the massive ana
‘Fuck Oligarchy’ Mural in Jakarta, Indonesia
Huge anarchist anti-eviction poster in Bandung, Indonesia
Indonesia: Jakarta anarchist / drug war prisoners ‘Death To Duterte’ street campaign26 F
Anarki from Quake III Arena.oh, nostalgia for my teens)
‘Never Work’Seen in Sydney
Anarkiddies and liberals do not understand the fact that the regulation of billionaire can not occur
Anarkiddies and liberals do not understand the fact that the regulation of billionaire can not occur
Antifa ZoneCopenhagen, Nov 2017
“Solidarity with la ZAD”Spotted near the University of Copenhagen.La ZAD is a squatted a
Jagtvej 69 CopenhagenLong live Ungdomshuset
“476 cops injured. G20, we won!”Graffiti in Sweden, July 2017
Nazi stickers don’t last in Copenhagen