Angels Icons Gallery
netflix glow
robert orlandi
13th century angel from Solovki Monastery.
whiskeypapist:In the Tridentine Calendar, May 8 is the feast of the Apparition of Saint Michael, the
reblog and like if u use or save, thanks.
“angel’s last mission: love” matching iconslike if you save/use.hope you like it!@hyesunart
Laís R I B E I R O icons • if u use or save like or reblog, enjoy •
naomi scott iconslike or reblog if you save/or give credits to @pughloki on twitter
girls - icons like/reblog if you use
Cara Delevingne Headers if save or using like/reblog or credits on twitter @wonderniall and @wutcurl
“angel’s last mission: love” matching iconslike if you save/use.hope you like
@jeromeduran: What an absolute treat to shoot with these beauty icons❤️ Can’t wait for the fin