Anorexiarecovery Gallery
Nurse diaper
Nurse spanking
Nurse skirt
Nurse tights
Nurse panties
#Repost @projectlets (@get_repost)・・・Check in on your friends who have eating disorders or experienc
Choose recovery today. Stop waiting to lose 5 more pounds, stop waiting to be “sicker”, stop waiting
basically what dreams are made of :D
This is something that needs to be shared. Mental disorders are serious. They aren’t something to jo
Just a reminder girls aren’t the only ones who struggle with eating disorders and body image issues
Just don’t.
THIS. Couldn’t have said it better myself <3
Joy is not measured in pounds lost but in memories gained. I have had a form of eating Disorder alm
Happy Monday ya'all! Flying back to Ireland in few hours, Finland was amazing. It was great to see f
Happy Hump day ya'all! ✌ few pics after yesterdays hammie and glute session and the last one is from
#FlexFriday had such a good quad workout today, really needed that after horrible day at work. Gym i
Being strongest version of myself, both physically and mentally. Looking back, seeing how far I&rsqu
What day is it? O’ right, it’s Hump Day! Happy Wednesday guys. Hope your week has been g
Happy Monday everybody! After the nice weekend spent outside in great weather, I feel so recharged f
#TransformationTuesday I just felt I had to share this since I got my Facebook memories today and I
Tuesday 6th February Five years ago today I was admitted to Rhodes Farm clinic in London. Five year
“The ocean or mountains have never deprived themselves to become small. Neither should I.&rdqu
Happy Monday everybody! After the nice weekend spent outside in great weather, I feel so recharged f
#TransformationTuesday I just felt I had to share this since I got my Facebook memories today and I
What day is it? O’ right, it’s Hump Day! Happy Wednesday guys. Hope your week ha
Being strongest version of myself, both physically and mentally. Looking back, seeing how far I&