Anthony Soprano Gallery
corporate propaganda
nakagawa natsuki
founder ymir
Had they given up on the delusion that it was a retirement community, or was this just the wrong tim
Did HBO go too far in cross-promoting Da Ali G Show?~ The Sopranos S06E19 “The Second Coming“ - (re-
carmelasoprano: ANTHONY SOPRANO, 40, sits and waits. Uneasily. Staring confusedly at a vaguely eroti
But if Carmela is a good Catholic who disapproves of sexual intercourse that isn’t for the pur
Why didn’t anybody let him know that the Afghans actually prefer to speak Pashto and Dari?~ Th
Why didn’t anyone explain to him that the actual English etymology of “shish kebab&rdquo
Did the writers really hate Trump so much that they would stick him with AJ?~ The Sopranos S06E21 &l
Had they given up on the delusion that it was a retirement community, or was this just the wrong tim
Did HBO go too far in cross-promoting Da Ali G Show?~ The Sopranos S06E19 “The Second Coming&l
If the slur is invalid now because he’s still in school, then would he suddenly become okay wi
But how does he know that nobody knows who started it if he didn’t start at the start of the c
How is this experiment supposed to yield useful results if they don’t have additional feet wit
Why can’t Felix be a little more enthusiastic about a sudden opportunity for potential promoti