Anti Fur Gallery
eldritch moods
female barefooter
Anna Pavlova331/366 Chairs
An Interesting Story (Miss Ray), 1806, William Wood338/366 Chairs
Interior with Red Chair, Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell328/366 Chairs
Aunt Eliza, 1905, Cecilia Beaux 327/366 Chairsimage from Female Artists in History on Facebook
Norma Talmadge330/366 Chairs
Helen Mirren by Mikael Jansson 329/366 Chairs
Portrait of a Lady (presumed to be the Marquise Geromina Spinola-Doria De Genes) by Anthony Van Dyck
Illustrations by Julie Morstad for Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova by Laurel Snyder, 201533
Lucas van Uffel, c.1622, by Anthony Van Dyck324/366 Chairs
A Genoese Noblewoman and Her Son, 1626, Anthony Van Dyck323/366 Chairs
Portraits by Maull & Polyblank, 1855289/366 Chairs
Madonna with the Apple, 1514, Albrecht Durer326/366 Chairs
Mary Carlisle290/366 Chairs
And so to bed - Tudor Style.
Ivory furnished folding knife/percussion pistol. Corkscrew also serves as trigger. Manufacturer un
A pair of gold plated, engraved, and ivory furnished Remington Rolling Block Model 1867 breechloadin
Decorative carved chair from Kashmir, 19th century.from Amir Motashemi
Desk Chairc.1805-1808FranceThe MET
Another one from Kiyomi. Just really, really great handmade stuff.Amazing instagram here.
Oh hell yeah that’s what the fuck I’m talking aboutAll handmade by an artist in Japan named Kiyomi.
The Hour of the Furnaces (1968) - Octavio Getino and Fernando Solanas
vaninnavaninni:Die Antigone des Sophokles nach der Holderlinschen Übertragung fur die Buhne bearbeit