Art Roman Gallery
angry hunters
Bust of Lucius Verus (co-emperor with Marcus Aurelius, 161-169 CE). Artist unknown; after 160 CE.
Detail from a Roman Sarcophagus, 1-2 centuries AD, Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, 2014.
Statue of Eros stringing his bow Palazzo Nuovo - Musei Capitolini, Rome Sculpture | Museums
A Sleeping Bacchus by Richard Earlom (1780)
Orpheus Torn to Shreds by the Bacchantes by Grégoire Huret (1640-43)
Hercules and Omphale by Benedetto Gennari (1675-77)
Diana as the Huntress by Bernardino Cametti (1720)
Venus Preparing for the Judgement of Paris but Already Receiving the Golden Apple from Cupid by Jean
Venus Anadyomene (Roman 1st Century)
Venus instructs Cupid to fire an arrow at Pluto’s heart, from The Story of Pluto and Proserpin
The Abduction of Proserpine by Pluto by Cornelis Cort (1565)
cma-greek-roman-art:Gorgon Plaque, c. 525 BC - 475 BC, Cleveland Museum of Art: Greek and Roman ArtS
cma-greek-roman-art:Millefiori Bowl, 1-100, Cleveland Museum of Art: Greek and Roman ArtSize: Overal
From a Roman funerary monument, 30 BC.Shows two provocator gladiators fighting. The writing on the e
Ancient Rome’s artificial sweetener,Today artificial sweeteners have become a common item in m
Portrait of Julia Domna, wife of the Roman emperor Septimius Severus and mother of Caracalla and Get
Marble bust of the Greco-Egyptian deity Serapis. Roman copy after a Greek original (4th cent. BCE)
youdonthavetogotocollege:awed-frog:Digital artist Daniel Voshart recreates the ‘real’ faces of Roman
Head of Asclepius. Roman copy (second half of 2nd cent. CE) after a mid-4th cent. BCE Greek origina
lionofchaeronea:Fragment of an ancient Roman wall fresco depicting a winged Victory. Artist unknown
eccellenze-italiane: Villa Poppaea, Oplontis da dave tonkin Tramite Flickr: The Villa Poppaea is a R
Bust of Antinous, Vatican museum (Sala Rotonda)Sculpture | Museums
met-medieval-art:Disk Brooch, Metropolitan Museum of Art: Medieval ArtGift of Justin F. Nasatir, 199
Mars and Venus on a blue background. Fresco in the Fourth Style from Herculaneum, artist unknown; 5