Artist Awesomedig Gallery
health apps
raw diet
sasha sparks
awesomedig:I made a thing for the community: “fan_flashworks” on dreamwidth. I ador
awesomedig:Title: What are you wearing? Created by digthewriter (me)
awesomedig:I made another thing. (Ohm Pawat here.)
awesomedig:You know I love him.
awesomedig:- the circle is now complete. Finally posting this. (Ohm Pawat here.)
awesomedig:the chariot of the serpent shall flame
awesomedig:Souvenir Shop.
awesomedig:Obsessed No. 3(Milk’s fanart 1 & fanart 2 here.)
awesomedig:Obsessed No. 2(No. 1 is here.)
awesomedig:Obsessed. No. 1.
UNIMPRESSED(Blackbeard Art Here)
awesomedig:I made another thing. (Ohm Pawat here.)