Artist Panel Gallery
View from the parterre - Birger Birger-Ericson , 1947Swedish, 1904-1994Oil on panel, 50 x 61 c
maertyrer:Unknown ArtistThe forty Martyrs of Sebasteivory relief panel, Constantinople, 10th century
The Holy TrinityPeter Paul Rubens (Flemish; 1577–1640)1620 Oil on panel The Royal Museum of Fine Art
The Risen ChristBramantino (Italian; ca. 1465–1530)ca. 1490Mixed technique on panel © Museo Thyssen-
artist-bosch:Ascent of the Blessed, 1504, Hieronymus BoschMedium: oil,panel
artist-bruegel:The Fall of the Rebel Angels, 1562, Pieter Bruegel the ElderMedium: oil,panel
artist-bosch:The Garden of Earthly Delights(detail), 1516, Hieronymus BoschMedium: oil,panel
lionofchaeronea:Wall panel in stucco relief from Sasanid Persia, depicting a charging bear. Artist
artist-matisse:Nude in a Wood, 1906, Henri MatisseSize: 40.6x32.3 cmMedium: oil on panel
Konrad - Adelchi Riccardo Mantovani, 2005Italian,b. 1942-Oil on panel,
artist-angelico:Deposition from the Cross, 1437, Fra AngelicoSize: 185x176 cmMedium: panel, tempera
Facade - Roj Friberg, 1990Swedish, 1934-2016wax, pencil and pigment on paper laid on panel , 109
Sankt Eriksbron - Erik Tryggelin ,1940.Swedish, 1878-1962 Oil on panel, 18.5 x 28
artist-grimshaw:Whitby from Scotch Head, 1879, John Atkinson GrimshawMedium: oil,panel
artist-durer:Emperor Charlemagne, 1512, Albrecht DurerMedium: oil,panel
artist-malczewski:Angel, I will follow you, 1901, Jacek MalczewskiMedium: oil,panelhttps://www.wikia