Asktheseniorsquad Gallery
King paul
King Paul feet
Master paul
okubo sakurado
rwby php
R: why do you wanna know?
M: Uh, I think you’ve got the wrong guy. M: I’m pretty comfortable with myself, act
J: I hope that answers your question, anon.
M: September’s just around the corner, so we’re gonna play catch up until senior
thanks, @miikpal, for this Prime BMC Content
R: Honestly, homie, they’re kinda adorable-M: My horn things are the best part, check them out
J: …Sometimes I think it’s what I deserve after all the shit I pulled junior year.
B: It’ll take time, but I believe in you!C: We’re rooting for you, anon.
M: It’s over now, but it was pretty fuckin cool while it lasted!
B: I usually just bring over whatever I have that I think he’ll like, and we try it out!
J: We study, day in and day out, C: It’s our life’s work…
M: It was cute! It was a cute troll thing! J: Ohhh my god, STOP-
M: I can’t believe- who are you, Jake? What year is this??!B: Shut up!! You know I like t