Asw Gallery
naughty els
domina sreni
camp devens
Hossam Nasser plays with his camel “Anter” in the Nubian village of Gharb Soheil, in Asw
octarina:The Untamed as ASW remixes, Xue Yang edition
New Jersey State Microbe Approved by AssemblyOn February 25, 2019 The NJ Assembly unanimously voted
This is the way the world endsnot with a bang butonly because explosions don’t make sound in s
I figured out the secret of longevity.The secret is,it’s just more of the same.(Click for full
Sometimes in a crowded mall I realize that everyonehas a whole life of their ownand it’s like
Life is essentially a chess game. You have to plan and calculate andI am so lonely.(Click for full s
Real political change is not achieved with slogans.You have to get the actual decision makers togeth
Mmmm, Girl. Did it hurt?When you fell from heaven?For rebelling against God?(Click for full size)
I wish, when people said they trust me, they meant they trust me to do what it is in my nature to do
Citizens should not fear their government.This will be enforced.(Click for full size)
Spare the axe, spoil the child.
In this world of ours,you have to look out for number one.Because I think he might be a sociopath.(C
yes, I believe in love, yes, I’m a dreamer.but I’m not alone, there are more of us than
Home is where the heartpulled the nails out of its feet,and fled.(Click for full size)
It’s time to make yourself proudand everyone else a little nervous.(Click for full size)
It is okay to care about privacy even if you aren’t a criminal.Because maybe you just aren&rsq
Instead of going to work I rode my bike out of town until I was exhaustedand then I fell asleep in a
Having all the answersjust means you’ve beenasking boring questions.(Click for full size)
we carry our ownlonelinesswith us.(Click for full size)
My dream is to create a masterpiecethat nobody ruins by understanding it.(Click for full size)
New Jersey State Microbe Approved by AssemblyOn February 25, 2019 The NJ Assembly unanimously
octarina: The Untamed as ASW remixes, Nie Huaisang edition