Athena-ishnuala Gallery
heejin headers
nature boy
almost homoerotic
athena-ishnuala:-King of the Underworld- Emet-Selch
athena-ishnuala:Lady Iceheart
athena-ishnuala:I just finished ATLA and i love Zuko!Holy shit!!!
athena-ishnuala:~Holy Night, Holy see~ I paint this just to deliver the message"YoshiP we want
athena-ishnuala:About 4.5 Nyan’s rescue style…
athena-ishnuala:Cat Day!
athena-ishnuala:Elidibus -Heart of Zodiark-
athena-ishnuala:Tea Time with Aymeric
athena-ishnuala:“May your death be gentle.”
athena-ishnuala:First of my Ishgardian Groom project, Estinien Wyrmblood. More to come.
athena-ishnuala: Sage Aymeric
athena-ishnuala: Glam Y’shtola
athena-ishnuala: Collection of my EW count down AF5 series
athena-ishnuala:FFXIV x MHW
athena-ishnuala: -The Rejoining-part II- Please follow Japanese manga’s reading direction: from rig
athena-ishnuala: Here is to you, Lord Commander of Temple Knights; a noble Peace-maker; Ender of Dr
athena-ishnuala: MetGala inspired Haurchefant.
athena-ishnuala: FFX 20th Anniversary
athena-ishnuala: Estinien modeling RDM AF5
athena-ishnuala:Lady Iceheart
scrollsfromarebornrealm: athena-ishnuala: As Haurchefant’s demise is WoL’s deepest regre