Austrian Painters Gallery
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arthur hubert
alec ryder
Johann Friedrich Leybold (German; 1755–1838) after Heinrich Füger (Austrian; 1751–1818)Klopstock&rsq
Johann Peter Pichler (German; 1765–1807) after Heinrich Friedrich Füger(?) (German; 1751–1818)Portra
Josef Maria Auchentaller (1865-1949), ‘Le perroquet bleu’ (The Blue Parrot), N.d
Hanns Pellar (1886-1971), ‘Scherzo’, “Jugend”, 1910Source
Emil Sarkadi (1881-1908), ‘Ex Libris - Fejer Akos’, 1907-08Source
Oskar Kokoschka (1886-1980), ‘Temptation of St. Anthony’, 1906Source
Paul Grabwinkler (1880-1946), ‘Zwei Welten’ (Two Worlds), “Mocca”, #3, Sept.
Raphaël Kirchner (1876-1917), ‘Spring’, “Puck Magazine”, 1916Source
Caritas (Köchin Katharina) = Charity (The CookKatharina)Friedrich von Amerling (Austrian; 1803–1887)
Fritz Hegenbart (1864-1943), ‘Kunſt und Mammon’ (Art and Mammon), from “Kunst und
Fritz Hegenbart (1864-1943), from “Kunst und Handwerk”, 1902-03
Heinrich Krenes (1874-1913), ‘Sommernachtstraum’, ‘'Die Muskete’’, July 26, 1917So
Gabriel Max (1840-1915), ‘Der Vivisector’, “Die Graphischen Künste”, 1886-87
Washerwomen at the Pier, 1890 by Lea von Littrow (Austrian, 1860–1914)
Paul Grabwinkler (1880-1946), ‘Reminiszenzen’ (Reminiscences). “Mocca”, June
Hans Makart (1840-1884), ‘The Hunting Party of Diana’, “Die Kunst für alle”,
Maximilian Liebenwein (1869-1926), ‘St. Margaretha’, from “The Art-Revival in Aust
Moritz von Schwind (1804-1871), ‘Adam’s Schlaf’ (Adam’s Sleep), “Kunst
Erhard Amadeus Dier (1893-1969), ‘Brandung’, “Die Muskete”, May 30, 1918Sour
Gustav Klimt (1862-1918), ‘Supraporta für ein musikzimmer’ (Above the door for a mu
Broncia Koller-Pinell (Austrian, 1863 - 1934): Pitcher with flowers (via Dorotheum)
Marianne Stokes (Austrian/English, 1855 – 1927): Portrait of Lady Northbourne (via Bonhams)