Authoritatively Gallery
(Authoritatively Intimidating)While your Wife contemplates a punishment, please take the time, to st
( Authoritatively Informing )Oh, you don’t get to “SEE” your Wife’s Strapon,
♡ ( Authoritatively Grinning ) ♡Prior, to your Wife locking a chastity cage on you, Her ass never fe
(Authoritatively Grinning)“Thinking”, that you can “Hide out” at work, so as
authoritatively: Samie
authoritatively: Samie
dommewifechronicles: ( Authoritatively Purring )Maybe, after your Wife has a little talk with your p
♡ ( Humming Authoritatively ) ♡Inevitably, you’re “ENTERTAINMENT”, any
♡ ( Authoritatively CERTAIN ) ♡Oh, your Wife, can have you “EDGE” yourself, &
♡ ( Authoritatively Remarking ) ♡Oh, your Wife doesn’t allow you to “upset&r
♡ ( Authoritatively Chuckling ) ♡Anything that brightens up your Wife’s day, is bound to i
♡( Authoritatively Unapologetic )♡Nothing bothers your Wife more, than if you “behave&
( Authoritatively Purring )The reason your Wife moves slow, is She needs to hurry for nobody, especi
( Authoritatively Informing )For starters, your Wife wants the anal plug, that is “IN&
♡ ( Authoritatively Humming ) ♡Nope, your Wife hasn’t a thing scheduled, Bitch.
( Authoritatively Humming )Obviously, until your Wife says otherwise, the “EDGEING&rdq
♡ ( Authoritatively Humming ) ♡Regardless, whether you’re “In” a chast
( Authoritatively Intimidating )True, your Wife doesn’t regularly treat you like you&r
( Authoritatively Intimidating )Hey, your Wife told you to “STRAIGHTEN” your ass
♡ ( Authoritatively Purring ) ♡As your Wife agreed, to a Femdom lifestyle, you should “BEN
( Authoritatively Humming )Its your own “FAULT”, if there is no lube in the hous
♡ ( Authoritatively Explaining ) ♡Scientifically, your Wife could explain it, but there is no substi
♡ ( Authoritatively Purring ) ♡Currently, your Wife has it figured, that you’ll be complet