Badassdaily Gallery
eda clawthorne
@kruegs_ rocking her @511tactical, @glockinc 19 custom finished by @joshua_tree_custom and stippled
#Repost @battlearms ・・・ BATTLEARMS’ Anniversary SALE on 4th of July Weekend IS ON!!! >>
@mega_arms, @bobro_engineering, @vortexoptics, @geissele, @magpul = •••••&
My @battlearms #ar15 SOPMOD clone. I went with a 14.5" LMT upper complete with a @trijicon
If it was yours, share with me how you would build it and what parts you would use. I received my @s
I picked up a pair of @outdoorresearch Ironsight gloves after my good friend @xfirepix had them feat
@lantac_usa .308 DRAGON on my @mega_arms 18" .308 barrel. •••••&b
My #usedandabused @ferfrans_inc CRD and muzzle brake. Still going strong after over a year of use an
@faxonfirearms ARAK-21 in .300BLK on my @mega_arms SBR lower. It’s nicely balanced and lev
Cock the hammer. It’s time for action. @sphinxarms @krissarms ••••&bu
And thou shalt never wipeth away the brass scars. ————&
The Battle Arms Development Lightweight Butt Stock (BAD-LBS) and Sabertube. •••&bull
@krissarms @sphinxarms SDP Compact 9mm. •••••• #nsz85 #swissmade #sph
@sphinxarms SDP Compact sitting on a bed of 9mm from @atlanta_arms. •••••
My #ar15 looks like cyclops. #cerakote work done by @blowndeadline. Optic is a @trijicon SRS. Muzzle
The business end of my @battlearms LightRigid barrel complete with a @rainierarms mini-comp. •
There are quite a few variants that can be built for an #ar15 but one of my personal favorites is th
Hahahaha! Love it! @art15clothing nails it again with their mystery shirt! ••••&
My @mega_arms Maten in .308 is finally wearing a @silencerco OMEGA. Also a @b5systems Enhances SOPMO
@kruegs_ rocking her @511tactical, @glockinc 19 custom finished by @joshua_tree_custom and stippled