Bandito Tour Gallery
mcm gif
Charlotte // The Bandito Tour
thatdunlife:Salt Lake City // The Bandito Tour
thatdunlife:Columbus // The Bandito Tour
thatdunlife:SLC // The Bandito Tour
thatdunlife: Inglewood // The Bandito Tour
Guys sorry if this isn’t your thing but omg I saw Josh & Tyler yesterday!
thatdunlife: Adelaide // The Bandito Tour
thatdunlife:Radio Shows // The Bandito Tour
thatdunlife:Radio Shows // The Bandito Tour
twentyonepilots: last day before the bandito tour starts. join Josh Dun at rehearsal over on Amazon
thatdunlife:Radio Shows // The Bandito Tour
cover me
i just know we all started crying when they did the handshake
his coat says talent and if that isn’t the most accurate thing
i fell in love with a music box
sahlo folina
the world around us is burning but we’re so cold
thatdunlife: Newark // The Bandito Tour