Bernard Picart Gallery
Bernard Picart (1673-1733), ‘Fall of Icarus’, from “Neueröffneter Musen-Tempel&rdq
achasma:The fall of Icarus (detail) from the workshop of Bernard Picart, 1731.
Bernard Picart (1673-1733), ‘Enceladus buried under Mount Aethna’, from “Neueröffn
Ixion’s Wheel (c.1733 / Engraving) - Bernard Picart
achasma:The fall of Icarus (detail) from the workshop of Bernard Picart, 1731.
achasma:The fall of Icarus (detail) from the workshop of Bernard Picart, 1731.
Bernard Picart (1673-1733), ‘Prometheus’, from “Neueröffneter Musen-Tempel”
Bernard Picart (1673-1733), ‘Hell’, from “Neueröffneter Musen-Tempel” by Zac
achasma:The fall of Icarus (detail) from the workshop of Bernard Picart, 1731.
Bernard Picart (1673-1733), ‘Ezekiel’s Vision’, “Taferelen der voornaamste geschiedeniss
achasma:The fall of Icarus (detail) from the workshop of Bernard Picart, 1731.
speciesbarocus:Bernard Picart - Illustration to “Della Architettura di Leon Battista Alb
achasma:The fall of Icarus (detail) from the workshop of Bernard Picart, 1731.
hadrian6: Kneeling Male Nude Drinking from a Bowl. 1723. Bernard Picart French 1673-1733. red
achasma:The fall of Icarus (detail) from the workshop of Bernard Picart, 1731.
achasma: The fall of Icarus (detail) from the workshop of Bernard Picart, 1731.
Bernard Picart -Hell
wtxch: Bernard Picart (French, 1673 - 1733) Puzza in the likeness of Isis, Seated on a Lotus Flower,
thefugitivesaint:Bernard Picart (1673-1733), ‘Hell’, from “Neueröffneter Muse
achasma:The fall of Icarus (detail) from the workshop of Bernard Picart, 1731.