Birdposting Gallery
Common scaups, mated, and enjoying spring.
A Brown Creeper earns its name, slinking along a maple; hard to notice, though common everywhe
A vulture coming in for a look.
Study of a female cardinal, early in the morning.
A robin puffs up to stay warm on a cold spring morning.
On another cold, rainy, utterly dreary day, a sparrow perches; wondering when spring will come. 
A Cooper’s hawk, high above me.
Off in the distance, a lonely wren looks for spring.
A bluebird on a horse gate brightens the day.
A towhee, somewhat frazzled, looks earnestly for a mate, on a cold and dreary springtime day. &
A house finch, rosy and pleasant.
Bold yellow brows and a striking white throat, this particularly handsome male is ready for spring.&
Goldfinch upon budding dogwood.
Animals in black and white.
A curious bluebird poses on budding honeysuckle.
A female downy finds a kernel to eat.
A cowbird looks up making sure all is well. The world is a dangerous one, after all.
A cardinal, bright and healthy, surveys the forest.
A cardinal fits right in, among the dogwood.
A woodpecker, a bit damp from all the rain, but still on the move.
A wren, guards its home assiduously.
A blackbird flies through the reeds.
A Rose-breasted Grosbeak hops from branch-to-branch.
A blackbird sings full-throatedly, for a mate.