Blasfemia Gallery
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“Sentencias de Pasión" (espectáculo de flamenco) interpretado y dirigido por Alberto El Romero
#MarvelsAmen “Senza titolo” per @jaybeerock, 2017.
“Emergence” by Bill Viola, 2002.
“Tattooed Deity” por Pedro Vargas Ortiz, 2017.
“Schlangengott” von Alfred Kubin, 1902-03.
“JC!!!“ (”Modern Life Renaissance” series) by Eva Lagnim, 2017.
“La Venida del Señor" por Fabián Chairez, 2018.
“Believe” by Danielle van Zadelhoff, 2014.
“Traslocando” per Loredana Bertè (copertina dell'album fotografata da) Mauro Balletti, 1982.
#Crowning #LikeSo… “Christ the King”, Swiebodzin, Poland, 2014.
#ShanáTová! ✡
#Restaurazione “Crocefisso Chiesa di Araceli (Vicenza), secolo XIII” (crocefisso dopo il restauro Im
“La Apparizione” von Christian Lemmerz, 2017.
“Untitled” by Joel Chapman, 2016.
“Rebel at Heart” by #RYCA Ryan Callanan, 2018.
“Jesus Probably Knew His Figure Will Be on the Sindone” by Wang Guangyi 王广义, 2013.
“Chechen Marilyn“ by the #BlueNosesGroup, 2005.
Gracias DiosEl original AQUÍ
slow-dazzle: Nick & Polly, photograph by Eva Harvey Certi amori non finiscono Fanno dei giri
cannibalcorleone: Foto mía para Blasfemia <3