Boer Wars Gallery
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British Lt. General Paul Carton de Wiart, the Most Badass Man in History.Wars he fought in: Boer War
A squadron of the 4th New Zealand rifles, Boer Wars, late 19th century.
A Boer “war cycle” during the Boer Wars. It was an eight man cycle that traveled on tra
The First Auto-Cannon—The Maxim Pom Pom Anti-Aircraft gun,The Maxim Pom Pom, aka the QF 1 poun
Mauser C96 pistol captured by the Royal Scots Fusiliers, Boer Wars, 1899-1902.from The Royal Armouri
Boers posing with a mortar, Second Boer War, 1899 - 1902
A Boer War Lee Enfield Cavalry carbine with unit emblem carved in stock. Owned by a user on british
sympathyforthecannibal:cast of rogue one by maarten de boer
Warsawpolis XXXVIIIby Marcos Rodríguez Velo