Boysofyoga Gallery
bill otomo
#jatharaparivartanasana Generates elasticity and strength in the core; twists the abdominal organs
Yoga helps us realize the universality of both pleasure and pain and, perhaps, more important, the n
Guru is the creator Brahma, Guru is the preserver Vishnu, Guru is the destroyer Shiva. Guru is direc
#virasana Increase flexibility in the knees and hips, tone the muscles in the arches of the feet,
The moment we have time for ourselves and our practice is a message to ourselves and to the world th
We cannot change our emotions, our thoughts or ylour physicality like a light switch. We cannot go f
Giving back to the community where I started teaching! Happy to see some of my first students and ne
There are days when we feel super demotivated, uninspired and whine a lot in our daily practice but
Emotions are teachers and they themselves have a short lifespan. Emotions only last longer because w
The yoga tradition teaches non-attachment, vairagya in Sanskrit, not so that we walk around in a sta
Thank you so much @vinyasawithbenandrianna for this super fun podcast interview! ✌ Repost from @viny