Brutal Deathcore Gallery
sketch-a-day july
forever behind
Fucking brutal band I just found, extremely heavy and extremely technical. Definitely worth checking
Pretty damn good demo Deal With The Devil by Vile Conception -
What an amazing band, this album is slowly becoming one of my favorites of 2014. A Symphonic Deathco
The clean vocals are pretty blegh, not gonna lie, but I really enjoyed the rest of it Feed My Spirit
I know I’ve already posted these guys before, but they are pretty fucking amazing Mangrove by
If you aren’t listening to the genius that is At the Throne of Judgement’s &
Some really good shit I just found Brothers to Arms by Blinded in Bliss -
The vocals aren’t all that great, but the rest of the music more than makes up for it The Fam
Even if you don’t listen to the whole album, give a song or two a listen. It’ll definite
Brutal Continuous Regurgitation by Salute the Exiled -
Brutally great Pray for Redemption by Conjonctive -
Damn is this guitar work fine Entity in the Void by Shores Of Elysium -
One of the most under-rated songs on the entire album, even though I think its one of the best behin
One of the best albums of 2013 (my third favorite), great album art, and this is definitely the albu
I love that opening riff, makes me moist Swine of the Holy Order by Knights of the Abyss - yo
One of my favorite Deathcore bands, saw them back in November with Veil of Maya, and they were defin
What’s a better way to celebrate Christmas than by listening to some good ol’ slam? Asph
Flash-back to my favorite song off of this amazing EP, I’m kinda sad that they’r