Budismo Gallery
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fate orpheus
troy mclawhorn
Coche fúnebre japonés estilo budista.
Trying to understand Zen intellectually is a mistake, look at children, are perfect zen monks, livin
Buddhism is not a religion, not a dogma, not a philosophy, is to sit facing a wall, in silent
Zen students must learn to waste time conscientiously Los estudiantes de Zen, deben aprender a perd
A spirit cries and cries the universe
The Zen takes you to the edge, but you should be you who cross the sea
Zen is not empty the mind, the mind is filled with empty
Everything happens at a precise moment, nothing is advanced or delayed, if you understand, this is y
Zen Zen takes you to the edge, but it is you who should get into the water El zen te lleva hasta la
That does not change everything changes nothing El que no cambia todo no cambia nada
Zen Without a trace the bird glides through the air however, never forgets his way Sin dejar huella
We need to abandon everything, including Buddhism, including Zen and focus on the here and the now,
All states have their origin in the mind. The mind is its foundation and are creations of the mind.
El zen es no tener miedo What is Zen? Do not be afraid
The bird does not study the air: Fly El pajaro no estudia el aire; Vuela
Enseñanza de un maestro a su discípulo; Cada día mi espíritu y tu esp&ia
No busquéis el camino en los otros en un lugar lejano: el camino esta bajo nuestros pies Ahor
Nadie alcanza la cumbre de la montaña más alta Nadie comprende este lugar misterioso.
Imagem do post no Bossa Nouveau. (www.bossanouveau.com.br)
Agosto e temos um dos momentos mais importantes do calendário ritual japonês, o Obon. S