Bust-length Gallery
prom 2017
Ridolfo GhirlandaioPortrait of a lady, bust-length
Bust-Length Portrait of a Woman by Islamic ArtMedium: Ink, pencil, and gold on paperGift of Richard
kyparissos: a sleeping lady, bust-length (detail), circle of françois boucher
Portrait of a Spanish Lady, bust-length, wearing a red jacket with gold brocade, holding a fan (1901
Michael Sweerts (Flemish; 1618–1664)Buste van man met bontmuts = Bust of a Man in a Fur Hat From Div
Michael Sweerts (Flemish; 1618–1664)Portret van een jonge vrouw met tulband = Portrait of a Young Wo
Buste van een jongeling = Bust of a Young ManMichael Sweerts (Flemish; 1618–1664)1656EtchingRijksmus
Felice Giani (1758-1823)Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a purple and gold dress and a white chem
Portrait of a Lady, bust-length, as Berenice, wife of Ptolomy III of Egypt. Gortzius Geldorp (Flemis