C-opulation Gallery
marauders aesthetic
rad edits
c-opulation: mine // pronoun : that which belongs to me
c-opulation: culmination // noun : the final result; climax.
c-opulation:absorb // verb : to involve the full attention of; to engross or engage wholly.
c-opulation: espionage // noun : the things that are done to find out secrets from enemies or compet
c-opulation: illimitable // adjective : incapable of being limited or bounded
c-opulation: searing // adjective : incredibly hot.
c-opulation: fascinate // verb : to attract and hold attentively by some special quality; enthrall.
c-opulation: certainty // noun : a fact about which there is no doubt
c-opulation: powerful // adjective : full of or having power, strength, or influence
c-opulation: surprise // noun : a taking unawares
c-opulation: impasse // noun : a position or situation from which there is no escape.
c-opulation: illimitable // adjective : incapable of being limited or bounded
c-opulation: avidity // noun : eagerness; greediness
c-opulation: egress // noun : the right or permission to go out.
c-opulation: aver // verb : to assert or affirm with confidence; declare in a positive or peremptor
c-opulation: locked-in // adjective : not subject to adjustment
c-opulation: platform // noun : a raised platform that is connected to the side of a building and su
c-opulation: mine // pronoun : that which belongs to me
c-opulation: muse // noun : the goddess or the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker,